





试卷介绍: 2023年高职单招每日一练《英语》6月19日专为备考2023年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • A:Hello,I'm the reporter from the school newspaper.I know you are going to leave school. (1)
    A:How do you feel now?
    B:Excited and a bit sad.
    A: (2)
    B:Before leaving school,I'm going to take some photos with my teachers and classmates.
    A: (3)
    B:I'm going to be a scientist,so I'll keep working hard to make my dream come true.
    A:What would you like to say to your teachers and classmates?
    B:I'd like to say“Thanks”to them for helping me a lot. (4)
    A: (5)
    B: You are welcome.

    1. 第(4)空填()

    AAlso,I hope my school will be better.

    BWhat are you going to do before leaving school?

    CMay I ask you some questions?

    DWhat are you going to be when you grow up?

    EThank you so much.

  •   Justin knew there was only one way out of his neighborhood—basketball. So he(1) hard,running with the ball like the (2) dogs were chasing(追逐)him.He could defeat any of the guys at the (3) and he saw his way out and he ran for it.
      One day when Justin was playing basketball,he (4) his right knee badly. The doctor said he might never play (5) . Justin was extremely sad. Every day Justin just (6) in bed,watching TV and eating potato chips.When he (7) like a balloon, his sister came home from the university on holiday,bringing exciting (8) of a faraway land called college.
      Justin was (9) by the dorm stories and campus (10)that she told,but he could(11) believe any of them.It was as if she were telling him about some (12) land high above the clouds.
      Justin was a pretty (13) guy,but his sister had a way of (14) him to do things that nobody else could. So while she was home during the (15) ,they studied together,and they talked,and they worked,and Justin felt (16) than he ever had before.
      After spending those (17) with his sister,Justin realized that he didn't want to feel bad for himself any more,and he didn't want to quit.Basketball (18) be his thing,but now there was only (19) . Using the study skills Justin had acquired from his sister, he scored (20) in every exam. The university that he applied to accepted him.

    2. 第12空填()。

    A foreign




  • 1. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。We [A](learnt) [B](from) each other [C](since) we[D](became) friends.
  • 2. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。[A](Every time) you [B](will pass) a level, you [C](will get) [D](some points) .
  • 1. It took Tom an hour ()(do) his homework.
  • 2. China has about ()(13亿人口).
  • 1. 假如你是李华,请根据以下写作要点向你的朋友Tom说明自己不能去参加他的生日宴会。 要点如下:1. 感谢邀请。
    2. 道歉并说明不能去参加他的生日宴会。
    3. 简要说明你不能参加的理由。
    4. 为不能参加Tom的生日聚会感到抱歉,并祝他生日快乐。 注意:
    Dear Tom,
           Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.(                    )
    Best Wishes!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Li Hua
  • 2. 回顾初中三年,有许多事令人难忘。校英语报Have Your Say栏目正面向九年级毕业生征文。 假如你是李华,请你选择其中一个话题,并结合具体事例,用英语写一封信表达你对某个人的谢意或 歉意,参加此次征文活动。要点如下: 注意:
    1. 短文必须包括你所选择话题的所有要点,并适当拓展。
    2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。
    3. 词数:60—80词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。  
  • 1. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) Lucy hopes she can visit China one day.
    Lucy hopes()()China one day.
  • 2. 将下列各对句子合并成含定语从句的复合句。
    I have never seen the toys. She bought them in Shanghai.