





试卷介绍: 2023年成考专升本每日一练《英语》7月11日专为备考2023年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • Claude-Oscar Monet(1840-1926)was a French artist and a leading member of the Impressionist group of painters. Born in Paris, Monet spent his childhood in Le Havre. There he met a local artist, Eugène Boudin,who encouraged him to become a landscape painter. In 1859,Monet went to Paris to study at the Académie Suisse. Between 1860 and 1862, Monet served in the army in Algeria(阿尔及利亚).He returned to Paris where he met most of the major artists of the era. In 1870,Monet married Camille Doncieux. T, escape the Franco-Prussian war, they moved to London. Back to France,they settled at Argenteuil,a boating centre on the Seine(塞纳河)which drew many other Impressionist painters. Working from nature was a particular symbol of the Impressionist movement,and one that Monet valued,reflecting in his paintings the ever-changing impact of light and weather conditions. In 1872,he visited Le Havre where he painted“An Impression,Sunrise”. When exhibited in 1874,part of its title was used by a critic to label the whole movement“Impressionism”. Monet’s wife died in 1879,and he set up home with Alice Hoschedé,the wife of one of his most important sponsors. During the 1880s,Monet travelled through France painting a variety of landscapes. He gradually became better known and for the last30 years of his life he was regarded as the greatest of the Impressionists. From 1890 he began to paint a series(系列)of pictures of one subject, including“Haystacks”“Rouen Cathedral”and“Waterlilies”. The latter were painted in the fine garden Monet created at his house at Giverny,where he lived from 1883 on. He painted them over and over again,most significantly in a series especially for a museum in Paris.

    1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    AImpressionism was born in London.

    BMonet was one of the sponsors of Impressionism.

    CArgenteuil was the birthplace of many impressionists.

    DImpressionist paintings are mainly based on nature.

  • The AIDA model is the foundation of modem marketing and advertising practice. It outlines the four basic steps that can be used to persuade potential customers to make a purchase. The first three steps lie in creating attention (A) , developing interest (I) , and building desire ( D) for the product, before the fourth step—the "call to action" ( A)—tells them exactly how and where to buy. AIDA can channel the customer's feelings through each stage of the communication process toward reaching a sale.
    Attracting the customer's attention is the first challenge, and this may be achieved by using an attractive phrase, offering a discount or something for free, or demonstrating how a problem can be solved. Once someone' s attention has been seized, it must be turned into real interest. This is best done by providing a brief description of the product' s benefits to the consumer, rather than simply listing the product's main features. Problem-solving claims, or results-based advice can be used to create desire, before finally laying out a simple way for that desire to be met—the means to buy. On website advertising, this might be a direct link ; on TV or print, it may be a website or telephone number.
    In the movie industry, the stages of AIDA are used to great effect. Movie studios often begin their marketing campaigns months in advance with giant posters to attract attention to the new movie. Short attractive previews follow, which develop interest by offering an attractive glimpse of the movie without giving too much away. Desire is inspired by the release of the full preview, which is carefully designed to show the exciting moments of the movie, from special effects to humorous lines of dialogue. On the opening weekend, advertisements in newspapers and on television focus on the movie' s release, inviting the consumer to go and buy a ticket.

    2. In which stage of the AIDA model are giant posters used?





  • It was Ann’s first experience of flying.She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared to be frightened. Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for three years had given her the courage to make the flight. She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms, her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets were. The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air? The engines began to shake—the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out—to stop the plane before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine. I must scream, she told herself, and put her hands over her eyes. There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she opened her eyes. Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above, so beautiful that she stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

    3. How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?

    AVery much pleased.

    BVery much frightened.

    CGreatly attracted.

    DGreatly surprised.

  • 1. Do you have access to the Internet?
  • 2. 新学期伊始,你们班准备组织一场迎新晚会,让同学们熟悉起来。你(Li Yuan)打算邀请外教(Tim)来参加迎新晚会。请给他写一封e—mail,内容包括:
  • 3. The doctor is very patient with his patients.
  • A:Jim, you said you would not stay out late after school, didn't you? B:Yes,mom,I did. A:But it’s 10 o’clock now.(56)? B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital. A:What?(57)? B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital. A:Oh,really?(58)? B:He had a terrible headache on the way home. A:Is he better now? B:(59). A:Good for you,my dear! I’m very glad you can help others. B:(60).

    1. 第(56)填______

    AWhat should I do

    BThank you,mom

    CWhere have you been

    DYes,he is

    EWhat was wrong with him

    FWere you sick

    GWhere is the hospital

    HI'm sorry to hear that

  • Clerk: Hello, this is the front desk. (56) ?
    Brown: Hello, I need to catch a plane tomorrow at 9 a. m. (57) ?
    Clerk: Of course. (58) ?
    Brown: Room 423.
    Clerk: OK, we will call you then. (59) ?
    Brown: Yes. I need a taxi for 7 a. m. Could you do me a favor?
    Clerk: No problem. (60) ?
    Brown: Yes, thanks for your help.
    Clerk: It,s my pleasure.

    2. 59题()

    AHow can I help you

    BWhere do you live

    CCan you arrange a wake-up call at 6 a. m.

    DIs that all

    EWhat else can I help you with

    FHave you finished

    GWho is that

    HWhat is your room number

  • 3. 58题()

    AHow can I help you

    BWhere do you live

    CCan you arrange a wake-up call at 6 a. m.

    DIs that all

    EWhat else can I help you with

    FHave you finished

    GWho is that

    HWhat is your room number

  • 1. 你(Li Yuan)下周一因为要去参加演讲比赛,不能上外教(Prof. Smith)的写作课。请给他写一 封e-mail,内容包括:请假并表示歉意;解释不能上课的原因,如比赛的重要性;承诺会自学所缺内容并按时交作业;祝他愉快。