





试卷介绍: 2023年高职单招每日一练《英语》12月11日专为备考2023年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  •   Passage B
      We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all. The Chinese call it The Ten-thousand-li Great Wall. It is in fact more than 6,000 kilometers long. It is 4~5 meters wide. In most places, five horses or ten men can walk side by side.
      When you visit the Great Wall, you can’t help wondering how the Chinese people were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago. Without any modern machine, it was really very difficult to build it. They had to do all the work by hand. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it.
      The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years. The kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. Then Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up. He thought that could keep the enemy out of his country.
      Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Not only Chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it.

    1. How long is the Great Wall?

    AIt’s less than six hundred kilometers.

    BIt’s over six million kilometers.

    CIt’s exactly six thousand kilometers.

    DIt’s more than six thousand kilometers.

  • 2. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 1. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。Those poor [A](children) will [B](be happy). [C](only if) we [D](will help) them.
  • 2. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。Danny [A](said) that he [B](hadn't) finished [C](doing) his lessons [D](already) .
  • 1. 用适当的介词填空,完成句子。This work calls () great care.
  • 2. 用适当的介词填空,完成句子。You must try your best to learn these words () heart.
  • 1. 假如你是李华,请根据以下写作要点向你的朋友Tom说明自己不能去参加他的生日宴会。 要点如下:1. 感谢邀请。
    2. 道歉并说明不能去参加他的生日宴会。
    3. 简要说明你不能参加的理由。
    4. 为不能参加Tom的生日聚会感到抱歉,并祝他生日快乐。 注意:
    Dear Tom,
           Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.(                    )
    Best Wishes!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Li Hua
  • 2. 假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The  English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发 言稿。 1.说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等; 2.说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过 5 分钟,语言流利,发音准确等; 3.预祝比赛圆满成功。 注意: 1.词数:不少于 100 词; 2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯; 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名以及人名。  
  • 1. 单句改错。I want to A(thank) you again for B(have) me C(in) your home D(for) the holiday.
  • 2. 单句改错。I'd A(like) very much B(come) but I C(have) an exam D(on) Monday morning.