





试卷介绍: 2022年成考高起点每日一练《英语》8月18日专为备考2022年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • 1. The teacher told his students that the earth___________round like a ball.



    Chad been


  • 2. 请选出下面括号部分读音不同的选项()。





  • Dear Tom,
    You asked me why I like living in New Mexico. I like it(21) it is so beautiful. We havemountains, mesas (平顶山 ), rivers, and forests. Mesa is the Spanish(22) for a broad, flat-toppedmountain. For 12 years, I have(23) across the state several times a month, and I still find newplaces that take my breath away.
    (24) else do I like about living in New Mexico? I like the sunshine. We have over 300 (25) days a year, with deep blue skies. Because we are 7,000 feet above (26) level and the weather isvery dry, the air is very (27) and the nights here are much colder than the days.
    The many days of sunshine are a very good thing for our state. Do you know that New Mexico (28) more than 3,200 hours of sunlight every year? With that much sunlight, we are one of thesunniest states in the United States. Some people (29) that if we could use the energy from all of thesunlight here, we could (30) more than enough power for the whole United States!
    The weather in New Mexico is good for (31) energy out of sunlight, but sometimes the lack ofrain is a (32) for people living here. Most of the state is desert, and there isn' t enough water (33) drinking, growing food, and other uses. Farming is very difficult here because of the water shortage ( 短缺). There are many laws about water use in New Mexico so that everybody uses just enough. The (34) for water increases as more and more new homes are built.
    So, as with all places, there are things that are wonderful and yet others that are (35) aboutliving in New Mexico. How about you? Do you like living where you are?

    3. 第(26)题选()。





  • 提示:李明打电话给David,邀请他下星期日去博物馆看展览。 (L = Li Ming;D = David) L:Hello. This is Li Ming speaking. May I speak to David? D:________51________. What’s up, Li Ming? L:What are you going to do next Sunday? D:Nothing much. Do you have any ideas? L:________52________? There’s a Russian oil painting exhibition there. D:Good idea! ________53________? L:Bus 202 will take you there. D:Good. ________54________, then? L:Let’s meet just at the gate of the museum. D:________55________? L:Half past nine. D:All right. See you then.

    1. 请根据中文提示,回答________54________对话中缺少的内容。
  • Jane把包忘在了公交车上。她来到公交失物招领处寻找,一位女士接待了她。
    ( Jane = J ; Woman = W)
    W:Can I help you?
    J:Yes, I hope so. I left my bag on a bus this morning.
    W: 51______________________?
    J:Bus No. 16.
    W: 52______________________?
    J:It' s a middle-sized white bag.
    W: 53______________________?
    J:My purse and keys.
    W : 54______________________, please ?
    J : Jane Smith.
    W:AI 1 right,you can come again tomorrow morning and see what we've got here.
    J:OK. 55______________________
    W : You' re welcome.

    2. 请在53处填写最佳答案。
  • 3. 请在51处填写最佳答案。
  • 根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。
    A= Saleswoman M = Madam
    A: Good afternoon, madam. 51.()?
    M: Yes. I want to buy some souvenirs for my children. Do you have any good advice?
    A: Of course I can. 52.()?
    M: My daughter is nine years old and my son is five years old.
    A: Oh! How about buying traditional Chinese clothes for them?
    M: 53.()! I’d like to get one for myself.
    A: This is a very popular series of clothes in our store, and buy the discount today.
    M: Wow! They’re so beautiful. 54.()?
    A: The total is 300 RMB.
    M: 54.(). Can I pay by credit card?
    A: No problem. Here’s your receipt and your clothes.
    M: OK. Thank you very much.
    A: It’s my pleasure, madam.

    1. 第 (53)题答案为().
  • 提示:马明是个摄影爱好者。他在飞机场遇到一个可爱的美国小男孩Tom,想给他拍几张照片。
    (M=Ma Ming;T=Tom)
    M:Hello.I’m Ma Ming. (51) ?
    T:My name is Tom.
    M:(52) .Tom.?
    T:I’m 5 years old.
    M:(53) ?
    T:I’m from America.
    M:Well,welcome to China.
    T:(54) .
    M:Tom,can I take some pictures of you?
    T:Ask my mom,please.
    M:(55) ?
    T:She’S there in the shop.

    2. 第 (53)题答案为().
  • 根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。
    Jane:How do you like the idea of having a picnic this Saturday?
    Michael : Wonderful.But (51)?
    Jane:What about going to the Western Hills? It' s quite cool there.
    Michael:That' s a good idea.(52) to go with us?
    Jane:OK.And we can ask them to prepare some drinks.
    Michael. (53) ?
    Jane : You' d better buy some fruit, and sandwiches.
    Michael. (54) ?
    Jane : I like oranges, watermelons, grapes, and bananas.
    Michael : (55) ?
    Jane : How about eight o' clock in the morning? We can get there in an hour and a half.Michael : OK.I' ll call John and tell him about our plan.

    3. 第(51)空填()。
  • 1. 假设你是李华,在你校工作的 Smith博士即将回国,你们班同学打算为他举行欢送会。 请写信邀请他参加并告诉他具体安排 : 参加人员:全班同学和英语老师 时间:10月27日,星期五,晚上 19:00-21:00 地点: 8号楼1002室 内容:学生表演歌舞 Smith博士讲话 注意:1.词数应为 100左右 2.生词:欢送会farewell party Dear Dr. Smith, Looking forward to your early reply. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua