
All 5 children of the Blacks, _______ are now working abroad, will come back for their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.

A. two of whom
B. two of them
C. both of whom
D. both of them

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该试题由用户361****79提供 查看答案人数:15955 如遇到问题请联系客服


Inhibits the breakdown of all monoamine e.g. NE, 5-HT and DA Inhibits the breakdown of all monoamin e.g.NE,5-HT and DA Question 5. Which of the following sentences uses a preposition incorrectly? (tick all that apply) Full education is compulsory for all children who range from age 5 to 17.___() 5.You can write down the details of all the discussions to take good minutes. 5. It is known to us all E-mail is ______ efficient than sending a fax. Of all the drinks , tea is ________ in the world .It has 5,000 years of history in China over. It’s becoming increasingly clear that all three of these possible revolutions are reaching maturity, … (Para. 5)() ______ surprised us most was that with all his money, he _______ worry about a little thing like 5 cents. Tobacco use is _________ for 5 million or 12% of all deaths of adults above the age of 30 globally each year. Professor Smith will come here to give a speech.All the preparations must be________before 5 o’clock. All 5 children of the Blacks, _______ are now working abroad, will come back for their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. How to paraphrase the sentence “All your letters of how beautiful my daughter is becoming by the day. (Para. 5)”() Whose names are these, ________ or yours? —_______. I don’t know all of the students in Class 5, so I have _______on this piece of paper. 11月26日,2020世界5G大会在( )开幕。大会以“5G赋能 共享共赢 5G+ By All for All”为主题,采取线上线下相结合的方式举办大会开幕式、主论坛、高峰论坛和展会。 have a talk with you at about 5this afternoon, MrSmith— All right, I ______ to my office from aconference thenIwill be waiting for you there 5. I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face _____ day like that. a ,who devoted all his life to the freedom of South African Blacks and died on December 5th in 2013, is a real fighter for us to_________. 中国大学MOOC: 5. If we _______ our car usage in all countries, we could decrease the impact of global warming. Your shoes are so old. Why don’t buy a new pair?— Because I _________ all my money on an MP5.
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