The word "light" in Paragraph 2 means “______”.  D. shining   材料
The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, accomplished a huge amount during his rule. Between 221 and 210 B.C.,he started the construction of the Great Wall. He built a large network of roads. He introduced a new writing system, currency(货币),and a set of measurement. The emperor also ordered the construction of a huge army of life-sized terracotta soldiers. These, he hoped, would protect his tomb after his death. The soldiers in Xi'an's Emperor Qin shihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum are today (light) brown, but they weren't always. They began as an army of red, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple. Sadly, most of the colors did not last to the present day. After being exposed to air during excavation(挖掘),the coating under the paint began to fall off. The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking with it important pieces of history. Now new techniques are starting to reveal the army's true colors. Archaeologists have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers. Many of them still have their painted features, including black hair, pink faces, and black or brown eyes. Chinese and German researchers have developed a special liquid to help preserve the soldiers" colors. After hey find a soldier or other artifacts(手工艺品),archaeologists spay it with the liquid.They, then, cover it in plastic Archaeologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers. It's important not to disturb the dirt,so the colors won't be lost."We are treating the earth as an artifact," says archaeologist Rong Bo, the museum's leading chemist. The next challenge, says Rong, is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again. Once that happens, artists can bring Emperor Qin's army back to life in full, vivid color.

The word "light" in Paragraph 2 means “______”.  D. shining

D. shining  
A. not dark  
B. not brown  
C. not fatty  

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φ(m)=φ(m1)φ(m2)成立必须满足(m1,m2)=1.() 如果m=m1m2,且(m1,m2)=1,有m|x-y,则m1|x-y,m2|x-y. 设 int m1=5,m2=3;表达式m1>m2 ? (m1=1):(m2=-1)运算后,m1和m2的值分别是() 把(m2+3m)4-8(m2+3m)2+16分解因式得 每洗车通道常备清洗刷长度:0.5m≥2把、1m≥2把、2m≥2把() 在下列六组量子数中,正确的是① n=3,l= 1,m=-1 ② n = 3,l= 0,m = 0 ③ n = 2,l= 2 ,m=-1 ④ n = 2, l = 1 ,m = 0 ⑤ n = 2,l = 0,m =-1 ⑥ n= 2,l = 3 , m= 2() 中国大学MOOC: 设 int m1=5,m2=3;表达式m1>m2 ? (m1=1):(m2=-1)运算后,m1和m2的值分别是()。 请给出程序的运行结果。#includeint Fun(int m){static int n = 0;m /= 2;m = m * 2;if (m){ n *= m; return(Fun(m - 2));}else return n;}int main(){int a, i;f 现有6组量子数:①n=3,l=1,m=-1②n=3,l=0,m=0③n=2,l=2,m=-1④n=2,l=1,m=0⑤n=2,l=0,m=-1⑥n=2,l=3,m=2其中正确的是() 在质谱中,CH2Cl2的M:(M+2):(M+4)的比值约为 下列各m的值中,能使m%3==2 && m%5==3 && m%7==2为真的是 设α(→)1,α(→)2,…,α(→)m及β(→)为m+1个n维向量,且β(→)=α(→)1+α(→)2+…+α(→)m(m>1)。证明:向量组β(→)-α(→)1,β(→)-α(→)2,…,β(→)-α(→)m线性无关的充分必要条件是α(→)1,α(→)2,…,α(→)m线性无关。 设有int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, m=2, n=2;,执行((m=a>b) && (n=c>d)后n的值是()。#includevoid main(){ int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2; (m=a>b) && (n=c>d); printf(“m=%d,n=%d”,m,n);} 设M和N为正整数,且 M>2 ,N>2,MN<2(M+N),满足上述条件的例(M,N)共有()对 设M和N为正整数,且M>2,N>2,MN<2(M+N),满足上述条件的例(M,N)共有()对。 CRH2A型动车组编组方式:T1-M1-M2-T2-T3-M3-M4-T4() 设M和N为正整数,且 M>2 ,N>2,MN<2(M+N),满足上述条件的例(M,N)共有( )对。 某地区2007~2012年的商品住宅价格分别为3100元/m2、3260元/m2、3440元/m2、3620元/m2、3800元/m2、3980元/m2,采用平均发展速度法预测2013年住宅价格为()元/m2。 M2M服务基本架构支持两类M2M通讯之间的通讯,IEEE802.16基地台与M2M设备之间的通讯()。 2号列车:长_m宽_m高_m()
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