Sometimes you may want to use a public computer. For example, in an Internet cafe, a library or at an airport. That's when it's especially important to be smart and safe.
Don't save! When you want to enter a social networking website or your email, the system will ask you, “ Do you want to save this password?” Never choose “ Yes" when you are working on a public computer.
Log out(退出)! Make sure you do not just close the browser(浏览器) when you want to leave a website. You should always “log out" of the website when you finish your task.
Close windows! If you need to walk away from the computer for any reason, you should close all the windows on the computer first. Don't leave any information that other people shouldn't see on the screen.
Watch out! Be careful about people looking at the screen over your shoulder. Ask them politely to go somewhere else so you can use the computer privately.
The purpose of the passage is to give tips on how to _____.
A. enter a website
B. send emails properly
C. get a password
D. use public computers safely