

A. 停止办理
B. 审核资料后办理
C. 根据客户指示进行处理
D. 无需审核直接办理

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A.停止办理 B.审核资料后办理 C.根据客户指示进行处理 D.无需审核直接办理
How many transactions does Alibaba clear every day without using Alipay Wallet mobile app?
A.35 million B.780 million C.45 million D.80 million
A.短信回音 B.投单回执 C.短信寄出通知 D.短信兑付通知
A.要求汇款人需提交汇款修改申请书,清楚列明修改原因及内容 B.核对签章及汇款申请书,向汇款人收取修改费用 C.以加押的SWIFT报文对汇出汇款进行修改 D.对于已签发的汇票,不再受理汇款人的修改申请
A.要求汇款人需提交汇款修改申请书,清楚列明修改原因及内容 B.核对签章及汇款申请书,向汇款人收取修改费用 C.以加押的SWIFT报文对汇出汇款进行修改 D.不予受理
资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world"s biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China"s online consumers via it"s Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it"s Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too.Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay"s cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms.Alipay"s extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers.According to the article, which of the following is NOT correct about Alibaba?
A.It is the largest online payment service provider in China B.It has sold more than US$9 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day C.It has a strong social responsibility D.It is the world’s biggest IPO
资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world"s biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China"s online consumers via it"s Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it"s Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too.Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay"s cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms.Alipay"s extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers.How many transactions does Alibaba clear every day without using Alipay Wallet mobile app?
A.35 million B.45 million C.780 million D.80 million
A.以合同/订单、发票的汇总明细清单代替合同/订单、发票 B.以报关单据清单代替中国电子口岸/单一窗口系统打印的报关单据 C.以加盖企业公章的《航线说明表》代替提单 D.对客户加强型尽职调查及制裁名单筛查的管理要求也可进行简化
A.《未涉及国际经济制裁承诺函(对公)》 B.企业说明 C.运输公司说明 D.加盖企业公章的《航线说明表》
A.汇款申请书 B.汇票 C.代收代付协议 D.支付通知书
汇款业务有可能涉及下列哪些单据() 资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world"s biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China"s online consumers via it"s Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it"s Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too.Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay"s cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms.Alipay"s extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers.What did Alibaba do after sign-off of China-Australia Free Trade Agreement? 资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world"s biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China"s online consumers via it"s Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it"s Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too.Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay"s cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms.Alipay"s extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers.What is this article mainly about? 资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world"s biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.On the back of the historic signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement yesterday, Alibaba announced in Melbourne their continued commitment to bringing Australian products, brands and businesses closer to China"s online consumers via it"s Alipay payment platform and Taobao Marketplace. Alipay is the largest online payment service provider in China. With more than 800 million Chinese accounts, Alipay is already the biggest mobile payment processor in the world. It clears 80 million transactions per day, including 45 million transactions through it"s Alipay Wallet mobile app and processed US$780 billion worth of transactions in the year ended June 30. Alipay is one of six financial services entities that will fall under the umbrella of Ant Financial Serviced Group, a rebranding of Alipay Financial Services. There are plans to take this money making machine public too.Alipay Australia has been established as a local entity that will work with its joint venture partner, pay bang to help Australian businesses and merchants access Alipay"s cross-border payment solutions. Alipay has also been working with Australia Post to sell, distribute and promote the Alipay Purchase Card across 4,400 retail outlets for Australian shoppers to use on the Tmall.com and Taobao Marketplace platforms.Alipay"s extension into Australia, follows its move into the U.S with the launch of its ePay payment program, which handles everything from payment processing and currency translation for U.S. retailers.It can be inferred from the article that 对于办理跨境汇款业务中获取的汇款人、收款人等相关信息,义务机构应当至少保存5年() 网点办理对公跨境汇款(含跨境人民币汇款)业务主要涉及到以下哪些业务系统() 转账汇款业务中涉及附言选项不可输入特殊字符() 核心银行系统涉及行内汇款业务的功能主要包括() 对于特殊业务类型的交易频率,银行业金融机构可关注开(销)户数量、()大额转账汇款频率、涉及自然人的跨境汇款频率等。 对于联行电子汇款项的核算,发报行发生资金汇划借报业务应当记载()。 全国性商务汇款业务是指资金结算涉及两个或多个一级分行的汇款业务。 全国性商务汇款业务是指资金结算涉及两个或多个一级分行的汇款业务() 全国性商务汇款业务是指资金结算涉及两个或多个一级分行的汇款业务() 外汇汇款业务分为汇入汇款和汇出汇款() 汇兑业务基本业务包括:()、密码汇款、入账汇款、商户汇款、网上支付汇款和商务汇款。 对于纳入海运费项下汇出汇款业务及货物贸易项下涉及特定国家/地区的汇款业务名单制管理的优质客户,需满足年度进出口额等值美元(含)以上() 国内汇兑业务包括礼仪汇款和西联汇款业务。 国内汇兑业务包括礼仪汇款和西联汇款业务() 对于跨境业务汇入款(含跨境外币汇款和跨境人民币汇款)、或,由业务机构根据退汇原因和客户沟通情况决定是否退汇() 对于已处理完毕的汇出汇款业务, 汇款人不得提出对汇款内容进行修改。
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