What's a CV? 材料
  Passage A
  Dear students,
  When the time comes to leave school, you need to decide what you want to do. If you want to start working, you need to think hard about your vocation. Apart from regular employment, you could also consider going on a work placement or entering an apprenticeship (学徒).
  Next, you need to look for a job. It is often said that this is a full-time job in itself. Buy some local newspapers and pick up a copy of Recruit from any MTR station or bus stop. Read through all the job advertisements. You can also check career websites, such as http://www.hzhr.com.cn.
  To apply for the jobs, you need to write a CV and send it along with your covering letter to the address in the advertisement in your CV, you are to include personal information, such as your name and contact details. Details of your academic qualifications and work experience must also be given. Your CV should be clearly organized and well presented. In your covering letter, you are to state the position you are applying for, where you saw the advertisement and why you think you are a suitable candidate (候选人). Remember to be polite and formal, and follow the standard rules for writing a formal letter.
  Before your interview, you need to do some preparations. Look at the company’s website, if they have one, to find out a bit more about the company. Think of a couple of questions to ask the interviewer. For example, you may want to ask whether a new employee is assigned a mentor (分配一个师傅)or whether training courses are provided. Also, think of answers to questions you may be asked, such as “What are your shortcomings?” On the day of the interview, dress neatly and formally. At the interview, be friendly and polite, and most importantly, be yourself.
  Work hard, never give up and your dreams will come true.
  I wish all school leavers the best of luck for the future.
  Best wishes.
  Linda Berry
  Chief Careers Advisor

What's a CV?

A. It is a letter that is used to get a job for you
B. It is a letter that covers your advantages and experiences
C. It is a short written account of one's education and past work experience, used especially when looking for a job
D. It is a letter that introduces you briefly

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