The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that (). 材料
Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They have the same feelings. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness,( security )and fear This is why i do not want to travel. I can learn everything here.” The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but people are also different. They all have the same pattern of life--birth, youth, old age, death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place. For example, in many countries, old age is a happy time. In Korea, old people are honored and respected.When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests. They receive many gifts. When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them. Everyone looks forward to this time. In the United States, it is quite different for old people. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.

The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that ().

A. he was too old to travel any more
B. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time
C. he thought he knew about people in other places
D. he could not understand people in other countries since he was deaf

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