One of the tips the writer gives for a successful speech is(). 材料
  Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
  There are a couple of things to know about the use of humor in a speech. One thing is to distinguish healthy and unhealthy humor. Unhealthy humor usually has a victim. It is based on differences. Healthy humor is taken from our everyday experiences and is based on the things people have in common. Therefore it unites them. Another thing is that when sharing humor with the audience a speaker has to take into account what part of the day it is. The "morning" audience can be tough, because everyone is just getting into work; the "lunch" audience is better, but the best time for sharing humor is dinner-time, because people relax after their working day and are more likely to feel the speaker. There are certain rules that are strongly advised to be followed. The primary rule is not to offend anybody by a joke. The jokes are not supposed to relate to the audience but to the speaker himself. When a speaker shares his personal stories he will be better accepted by the audience. He can kid about his fame, problems, image, etc. However, he does not have to belittle himself or sacrifice his reputation for a laugh. Besides, the jokes and humorous stories that are used by the speaker have to relate directly to the topic of his speech. The speaker is supposed to speak clearly and keep from laughing at his own story or joke while telling it, so that he can make it clear and to the point. Finally, once a joke is said it may not be repeated once more. So the speaker must not repeat a joke that fails or one that works. And, remember these tips always work: personal jokes, short remarks that go well with the speech, good choice of vivid words and appropriate body gestures.

One of the tips the writer gives for a successful speech is().

A. vivid expressions
B. dramatic gestures
C. good time control
D. Proper eye contact

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