
Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers"word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/"hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.
The author"s attitude towards the conclusion of the experiment is——.

A. disapproval
B. suspicious
C. supportive
D. certain

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下面程序段运行后,text3的值是()Text1.Text = "234"Text2.Text = "432" text3.text= Text1.Text + Text2.Text
A.666 B.234432 C.432234
窗体上有一个由两个文本框组成的控件数组,名称为Text1,并有如下事件过程: Private Sub Text1_Change(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 Text1 (1). FontSize = Text1 (0). FontSize * 2 Text1 (1). Text = Text1 (0). Text Case 1 Text1
A.Index用于标识数组元素 B.本程序中Case Else分支的语句永远不会被执行 C.向任何一个文本框输入字符,都会在另一个文本框中显示该字符 D.下标为0的文本框中显示的字符尺寸将越来越小
在窗体上有两个命令按钮Command1和Commnd2,三个文本框Text1,Text2和Text3,有如下事件过程: Private Sub Comuand1_Click() Text3.Text= Text1.Text+Text2.Text End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Text3.Text= Text3.Text+Str(Val(Text1.Text)+Val (Text2.Text)) End Sub程序运行后,在Text1和Text2中分别输入123、456,然后依次单击Command1和Command2,则在Text3中显示的内容依次是______ 。
A.123456 579 B.123456 123456 C.579 579 D.579 123456
在窗体上画3个标签、3个文本框(名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3)和1个命令按钮(名称为Command1),外观如图所示。编写如下程序Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text="" Text2.Text="" Text3.Text=""End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() x=Val(Text1.Text) y=Val(Te
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
有程序代码:Text1.text="Visual Basic" 其中的Text1、text和"Visual Basic"分别代表( )。
A.对象值、属性 B.对象方法、属性 C.对象属性、值 D.属性对象、值
执行下列程序,在文本框中输入字符“a”,则输出结果为______。 Private Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)Text1.Text=KeyCodePrint Text1.Text End Sub
A.a B.65 C.A D.97
在窗体上画3个标签、3个文本框(名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3)和1个命令按钮 (名称为Command1),外观如下图所示。 编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text="" Text2.Text="" Text3.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Commandl_Click() x=Val(Text1.Text) y
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
在窗体上画1个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form Load() Open "C:dat.txt" For Output As1 Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As integer) If______=13 Then If UCase(Text1.Text=______)
A.KeyAscii "END" B.Text1.Text "END" C.Text1.Text 13 D.KeyAscii 13
在窗体上画两个名称分别为Text1、Text2的文本框。Text1的Text属性为“Database”, 如图所示。现有如下事件过程: Private Sub Text1_Change()Text2.Text=Mid(Text1,1,1)End Sub运行程序,在文本框Text1中原有字符之前输入a,Text2中显示的是:()。
A.DataA B.DataB C.aData D.aBase
在窗体上画1个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat.txt"For Output As 1 Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Key Ascii As Integer) If (10) =13 Then If U Case(Text1.Text)= (
在窗体上画1个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat.txt"For Output As 1 Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Key Ascii As Integer) If______=13 Then If U Case(Text1.Text)=__ 在窗体(Name属性为Form1)上画两个文本框(其Name属性分别为Text1和Text2)和一个命令按钮(Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下两个事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click()A=Text1.Text+Text2.TextPrint A End Sub Private Sub Form Load()Text1.Text=" "Text2.Text 在窗体上画—个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat.txt"For Output As 1 Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(Key Ascii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then If UCase(Text1.Text)= 在窗体上画一个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat.txt"For Output As1 Text1.Text:“” End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If (13) =13 Then If UCase(Text1.Text1= (14) 程序代码:Text1.Text = "Visual Basic程序设计" 则Text1,Text ,和"Visual Basic程序设计"分别代表() 在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个文本框,其名称分别为Command1和Text1,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim inData As String Text1.Text="" Open"d:myfile.txt"Fo (8) As1 Do While (9) Input 1,inData Text1.Text=Text1.Text+inData 在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个文本框,其名称分别为Command1和Text1,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim inData As String Text1.Text=" " Open "d:Myfile.txt" For (14) As1 Do While (15) Input1,inData Text1.Text=Text1.Text+i 在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个文本框,其名称分别为Command1和Text1,然后编定如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim inData As String Text1.Text:“” Open "d:myfile.txt" For (10) As1 Do While (11) Input 1,inData Text1.Text=Text1.Text+i 在窗体上画两个文本框和一个命令按钮,然后在代码窗口中编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Coraraand1_Click() Text1.Text="计算机" Text2.Text=Text1.Text Text1.Text="等级考试" End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,两个文本框(Text1和Text2)内容分别为 和 。 在窗体上画两个文本框和一个命令按钮,然后在代码窗口中编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = "计算机" Text2.Text = Text1.Text Text1.Text = "等级考试" End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,两个文本框(Text1和Text2)内容分别为 (6) 和 (7) 。 在窗体上画一个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat.txt"For Output As 1 Text1.Text=" " End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If______=13 ThenIf UCase(Text1.Text)=____ 在窗体上画一个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open "d:empdat.txt" For Output As 1 Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If (8) =13 Then If UCase(Text1.Text)= (9 在窗体上画一个文本框,名称为Text1,然后编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Open"d:empdat,txt"For Output As1 Text1.Text=" " End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii=13 ThenIf UCase(Text1.Text)=__ 在窗体上画 1 个文本框,名称为 Text1,然后编写如下程序:Private Sub Form_Load()Open "d:empdat.txt" For Output As 1Text1.Text = "" End SubPrivate Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If _________= 13 ThenIf UCase(Text1.Tex 在窗体(Name属性为Form1)上画两个文本框(其Name属性分别为Text1和Text2)和一个命令按钮(Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下两个事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() a = Text1.Text + Text2.Text Print a End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = " " cattext1text2>text的含义是,将text1,text2两个文件连接起来输入到()。 在窗体上画两个文本框(其名称分别为Textl和Text2)和一个命令按钮(其名称为 Command1),然后编写如下两个事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click()Text1.Text="Microsoft Visual Basic" End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change()Text2.Text=UCase(Text1.Text) End Sub 窗体上有名称分别为Text1、Text2的文本框,名称为Command1的命令按钮。运行程序,在Text1中输入“FormList”,然后单击命令按钮,执行如下程序:Private Sub Command1_Click()Text2.Text=UCase(Mid(Text1.Text,5,4))End Sub在Text2中显示的是()。 在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个文本框,其名称分别为Command1和Text1,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim inData As String Text1. Text="" Open "d: myfile. txt "For______As 1 Do While ______ Input 1,inData Text1. Text=Text1 下面Change事件过程中,文本框控件Text1用来接收数字字符的输入,该事件过程的作用是( )。Private Sub Text1_Change ( )  Text2.Text=Str(6.28* Val(Text1.Text))  End Sub
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