
Text 3 While there are rival contenders,the title of the world"s first department store belongs,perhaps,to Harding,Howell&Co"s Grand Fashionable Magazine at 89 Pall Mall in St James"s,London.Opened in 1796,this handsome Georgian shop was divided into four departments,offering furs and fans,haberdashery,jewellery and clocks,and millinery,or hats.Harding,Howell&Co was focused on the needs and desires of fashionable women.Here,at last women were free to browse and shop,safely and decorously,away from home and from the company of men.These,for the main part,were newly affiuent middle class women,their good fortune-and the department store itself-nurtured and shaped by the Industrial Revolution.This was transforming life in London and the length and breadth of Britain at a dizzying pace on the back of energetic free trade,fecund invention,steam and sail,and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of expendable cheap labour.It is no coincidence that,from the mid 19th Century,the department store adopted the look and feel of the way we have known it for more than 150 years with the opening,by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert,of the Great Exhibition in 1851.This was held in the Crystal Palace,a truly revolutionary structure,designed by Joseph Paxton and located in Hyde Park,not far from Harrods,which,from 1905,became Europe"s biggest department store.The threat of the shopping mall coincided with a global acceptance of the Internet,personal computers and smart phones-the rise of online shopping.Against the odds the department store has survived.People may choose to buy online,yet they also like to see what"s on offer in person.Department stores present a good snapshot of current trends in fashion,design,household goods and gadgets.As a result,forward-looking department stores have re-imagined themselves as retail theatres.Intriguingly,internet-savvy customers in Britain still enjoy shopping in the fabric departments of John Lewis department stores much as their predecessors did 150 years ago.Think Crystal Palace 1851 with 21st Century marketing and communications technology and you can see just why the department store remains hard to beat,an endearing and enduring cultural and retail fixture on our busiest city streets and squares.
According to the text,Harding,Howell&Co offers merchandises except_____

A. men"s clothes
B. women"s hats
C. magazines
D. diamond rings

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下面程序段运行后,text3的值是()Text1.Text = "234"Text2.Text = "432" text3.text= Text1.Text + Text2.Text
A.666 B.234432 C.432234
在窗体上有两个命令按钮Command1和Commnd2,三个文本框Text1,Text2和Text3,有如下事件过程: Private Sub Comuand1_Click() Text3.Text= Text1.Text+Text2.Text End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Text3.Text= Text3.Text+Str(Val(Text1.Text)+Val (Text2.Text)) End Sub程序运行后,在Text1和Text2中分别输入123、456,然后依次单击Command1和Command2,则在Text3中显示的内容依次是______ 。
A.123456 579 B.123456 123456 C.579 579 D.579 123456
在窗体上画3个标签、3个文本框(名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3)和1个命令按钮 (名称为Command1),外观如下图所示。 编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text="" Text2.Text="" Text3.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Commandl_Click() x=Val(Text1.Text) y
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
在窗体上画3个标签、3个文本框(名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3)和1个命令按钮(名称为Command1),外观如图所示。编写如下程序Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text="" Text2.Text="" Text3.Text=""End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() x=Val(Text1.Text) y=Val(Te
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
在窗体上画3个标签、3个文本框(名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3)和1个命令按钮 (名称为Command1),外观如下图所示。 编写如下程序: Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text="" Text2.Text="" Text3.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Commandl_Click() x=Val(Text1.Text) y=Val(Text2.Text) Text3.Text=f(x,y) End Sub Function f(ByVal x As Integer,ByValy As Integer) DoWhiley<>0tmp=x ModyX=yy=tmp Loop f=X End Function 运行程序,在Textl文本框中输入36,在Text2文本框中输入24,然后单击命令按钮,则在Text3文本框中显示的内容是( )。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
下面程序用来计算: Private Sub Command1_Click() A = Val(Text1. Text) B = Val (Text2. Text) Select Case A Case 【11】 N=A+B Case Is = 5 N = B/A Case Is<5 N=0 End Select Text3. Text = N End Sub
在窗体上建立三个文本框,名称分别为Text1、Text2和Text3,一个命令按纽,名称为command1,如果在TEXT1中输入数200,在TEXT2中输入数150,则执行下列程序后,TEXT3的值为______。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim m, n As Integer m = Val (Text1. Text) n = Val (Text2. Text) If n * m = 0 ThenExit Sub End If If m < n Then t =m: m= n: n = t End If Dor = m Mod nm= nn =r Loop While r <> 0 Text3. Text= m End Sub
A.200 B.50 C.100 D.150
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.12
Please write down the subtitle in theText A and make clear the structure in the text. Text A Acculturation 1. _________________; 2. _______________; 3. _____________.
一个窗体上有三个文本框,按放置顺序分别是:Text1,Text2,Text3,若使程序运行时Text3首先获得“焦点”,那么,应设置其()属性值为0 。
A.Index B.Tabindex C.Tag D.Top
一个窗体上有三个文本框,按放置顺序分别是:Text1,Text2,Text3 ,若使程序运行时Text3首先获得“焦点”,那么应设置其()属性值为 0 。 3.How does the author explain the culture divides in the text? There are _____ texts. They are Text A _________________, Text B _________________, Text C _________________, Text D _________________. 下面程序用来计算: 请在空白处填入适当的代码。 Private Sub Command1_Click()A=Val(Text1, Text)B=Val(Text2.Text)Select Case A Case______N=A+B Case______N=B/A Case______N=0End SelectText3.Text=N End Sub 以下程序判断从文本框Text1中输入的数据,如果该数据满足条件:除以3余2,除以 5余3,除以7余4,则输出;否则,将焦点定位在文本框Text中,选中其中的文本。 Private Sub Command1_Click()x=Val(Text1.Text)If 【9】 Then Print xElse Text1.SetFoeus Text1.SetStart=0End If End Sub (True or False)(Unit 3,Text B)Mic apparently is a good fit for everyone. (Unit 3,Text B) According to CNBC, what are stereotypes of millennials,please choose the best choice? What does it refer to in I saw it, I saw it! ? (lines 3–4) (Text 1A)() 下列程序的功能是计算两个自然数的最大公约数,如图1所示。给定的程序不完整,将程序补充完整。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long x = Val(Text1.Text) y = Val(Text2.Text) Text3.Text = Str((13) ) End Sub Function fun1(a 下列程序的功能是计算两个自然数的最大公约数,界面如下图所示。给定的程序不完整,将程序补充完整。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Long, y As Long,i As Long x=Val(Text1.Text) y=Val(Text2.Text) Text3.Text = Str(【13】 ) End Sub Function fun1(a As 有程序代码:Text1.text="Visual Basic" 其中的Text1、text和"Visual Basic"分别代表( )。 中国大学MOOC: 3.According to the text, the phrase get stuck most probably means ________. 中国大学MOOC: What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?(Text 3B) 执行下列程序,在文本框中输入字符“a”,则输出结果为______。 Private Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text="" End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)Text1.Text=KeyCodePrint Text1.Text End Sub 在窗体上画两个文本框(其Name属性分别为Text1和Text2)和一个命令按钮(其Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() x = 0: n = 0 Do Until x >= 30 x = (n + 2)* (n + 3) n = n + 1 Loop Text1.Text = Str(n) Text2.Text = 窗体上有一个由两个文本框组成的控件数组,名称为Text1,并有如下事件过程: Private Sub Text1_Change(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 Text1 (1). FontSize = Text1 (0). FontSize * 2 Text1 (1). Text = Text1 (0). Text Case 1 Text1 在窗体上添加一个命令按钮,名为command1,一文本框,名为text1,则执行如下事件过程后,文本框中的输出为______。 For i=1 To 4 x=3 For j=1 To 3 For k=1 To 2 x= x + 3 Next k Next j Next i Text1.Text=str(x) 程序代码:Text1.Text = "Visual Basic程序设计" 则Text1,Text ,和"Visual Basic程序设计"分别代表() 在n个运动员中选出任意r个人参加比赛,有很多种不同的选法,选法的个数可以用公式计算。窗体中3个文本框的名称依次是Text1、Text2、Text3。程序运行时在Text1、Text2中分别输入n和r的值,单击Command1按钮即可求出选法的个数,并显示在Text3文本框中。请填空。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim r As Integer,n As Intege 1. Text A can be divided into 3 parts. Write down the main idea of each part.
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