Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEES EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY EMPLOYEE_ID 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 102 Martin 10 105 CLERK 2500 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 4200 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 2500 105 Diana 30 108 IT_ADMIN 5000 106 Smith 40 110 AD_ASST 3000 108 Jennifer 30 110 HR_DIR 6500 110 Bob 40 EX_DIR 8000 120 Ravi 20 110 SA*DIR 6500 DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_NAME 10 Admin 20 Education 30 IT 40 Human Resources Also examine the SQL statements that create the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: CREATE TABLE departments (department_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, department _ name VARCHAR2(30)); CREATE TABLE employees (EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(20), DEPT_ID NUMBER REFERENCES departments(department_id), MGR_ID NUMBER REFERENCES employees(employee id), MGR_ID NUMBER REFERENCES employees(employee id), JOB_ID VARCHAR2(15). SALARY NUMBER); ON the EMPLOYEES, On the EMPLOYEES table, EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key. MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID. DEPT_ID is foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table. On the DEPARTMENTS table, DEPARTMENT_ID is the primary key. Examine this DELETE statement: DELETE FROM departments WHERE department id = 40; What happens when you execute the DELETE statement?()