The word "restorative" (Line 3, Para.3) most probably means(). 材料
  It is estimated that there are more than 8 million restaurants in the world today. So it might surprise you to learn that restaurants as we know have only existed for a few centuries. Before 1765, there were no restaurants. There was nowhere in which a server brought you food and drink that you chose from a menu. In fact, there was no menus anywhere. There were places where travelers could eat centuries before that. The countryside was full of inns that would serve food. And there were bars where one could get a drink. The rich could also eat meals supplied by private cooks. But there was nothing that could be called a "restaurant". A Frenchman changed that. In 1765, he opened a place in Paris that sold soups. On his sign, he used the term "restaurant" to describe what he was selling. Soups were considered "restorative", so he called them "restaurants". Finally, people started buying his soups even when not ill. And as time went on, people began to use the term "restaurant" to refer to the place where soup was sold rather than the soup itself. More "restaurants" opened up in France, and people began to buy soups more regularly. Then, restaurants in Paris began to serve food other than soups. In the 1780s, menus started to appear. By the 1800s, there were many types of restaurants, and the restaurant concept was spread throughout the British Empire. A slow start gave way to rapid growth. Cities and towns around the world are filled with restaurants today. It is estimated that there are 1.6 million restaurants in Europe. In America, there are nearly a half million restaurants. Today, diners have millions of choices.

The word "restorative" (Line 3, Para.3) most probably means().

A. having a special flavor
B. making you happier
C. having a pleasant smell
D. making you heathier

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已知 Point?*pa[2]; 则 pa[0]和pa[1] 是: 901-J/Js出口压力控制范围3~4.5×105Pa() 402-J/Js出口压力控制范围3~5×105Pa() 已知高炉煤气的热值为3930kj/m3,燃烧1m3高炉煤气所需的空气量为0.89m3,结焦时间为18h,上升气流煤气斜道阻力为19.6Pa,煤气蓄顶吸力为35Pa,空气蓄顶吸力为Pa() 中国大学MOOC: 下面程序运行时,如果从键盘上输入3, 5,程序输出的结果是________。int main(void ) { int a,b,*pa,*pb; pa=&a; pb=&b; scanf(%d,%d,pa, pb); *pa=a+b; *pb=a+b; printf(a=%d,b=%d ,a,b);} 1Pa·s﹦()μPa·s 3号线PA的到站广播是通过ISCS系统来触发的() 主扇风量为3500m3/min,通风阻力应小于Pa() 防御效果被区分为三级,即PA+、PA++、PA+++,PA+表示有效、PA++表示相当有效、PA+++表示非常有效。加号越多防晒效果越好。 设A、B为随机事件,PA=a,PB=b,PA B=c,则PA为:() 1kJ=()J=()cal=()atm cm3=()bar cm3=()Pa m3。 除边蓄热室外,每个蓄热室顶部吸力与标准蓄热室比较,上升气流不超过±2Pa,下降气流不超过±3Pa() 设A、B为随机事件,PA=a,PB=b,PA+B=c,则PA为:() T,V恒定时,反应A(g)+B(g)→D(g)。t=0时,PA,0=800kPa;t1=30s时,PA,1=400kPa;t2=60s时PA,2=200kPa;t3=90s时,PA,3=100kPa。此反应的半衰期t1/2=,反应级数n=,反应的速率常数k= 1mm汞柱等于()Pa,1mm水柱等于()Pa。(1mmHg=133.3224Pa、mmH2O=9.80665Pa) 将0.125dm3压力为6.08×104Pa的气体A与0.15dm3压力为8.11×104Pa的气体B,在等温下混合在0.5dm3的真空容器中,混合后的总压力为()。 某管道通过风量500m3/h,系统阻力损失为300Pa。用此系统送入正压p=150Pa的密封舱内,风量Q=750m3/h,则系统阻力为(  )。 设某经济只有a、b两个市场。a市场的需求和供给函数为Qda=13-2Pa+Pb,Qsa=-4+2Pa,b市场的需求和供给函数为Qdb=20+Pa-Pb,Qsb=-5+4Pb。试确定: (1)当Pb=1时,a市场的局部均衡; (2)当Pa=1时,b市场的局部均衡; (3)(Pa=1,Pb=1)是否代表一般均衡? (4)(Pa=5,Pb=3)是否是一般均衡价格? (5)一般均衡价格和一般均衡产量为多少? 当某管路系统风量为400m3/h时,系统阻力为200Pa;当使用该系统将空气送入有正压100Pa的密封舱时,其阻力为500Pa,则此时流量为(  )。 驾驶舱准备期间第3部RMP上的PA接通目的是什么()
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