
—A celebration for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC(中国共产党) will be held,and I’m wondering ________. —Let’s have a discussion about it this afternoon.  

A. how will we get ther
B. which clubs will take part
C. what we could do for it
D. whether can we do something for it

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该试题由用户952****97提供 查看答案人数:19362 如遇到问题请联系客服


The universe has more than 100 billion separate systems of stars and gas known as _____. The?Boston?bombing??__________of?more?than?100?people?has?caught?the?world’s?attention. ______was most shocking about the tornadoes in America was that they threatened sixstates and killed more than 100 persons It was surprising ______ most people paid more than 100 dollars just to see that famous star It was surprising ______ most people paidmore than 100 dollars just to see that famous star. _____ more than 100 million references to theword“tuhao” on social media since early September It is reported that up to now, mountain slides have cut off more than ten villages from the outside world,_____ more than 100 hundred people alive and _____ many houses [ ] What makes the school proud is _____ more than 100 students have gone to key universities. More than 100 students have entered for the competition and_______ gains the most points will be the winner. European football is played in more than 100 countries now,_____ it the most popular sport in the world.[ ] _____ more than 100 million references to theword“tuhao” on social media since early September. Passengers can carry liquids on board with a limit of less than100ml for the container. ________ excited us was that more than 100 miners trapped in the Wangjialin flooded coal mine were saved alive Just at the corner of the street _________, more than half of which date back to at least 100 years ago.[ ] ______ was most shocking about the tornadoes in America was that they threatened six states and killed more than 100 persons. The two scientists have discovered 65 0f the more than 100 planets ________orbiting other stars [ ] Poverty has risen in Nigeria, with almost 100 million people living on less than $1 a day,________ economic growth The temperature now is much higher than______of 100 years ago because of more and more greenhouse gas. Almost every gym club in Shanghai ________ yoga classes. And there are more than 100 special clubs such as this one. What made the whole nation sad was that more than 100 miners were buriedin the underground coal mine.
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