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()with gasoline cars,electric cars are more energy saving.   运行以下代码结果是() Many people dream of having cars of their ownHowever, others strongly ________ developing private cars 简述经过五年配电网建设改造,至2020年,中心城市(区)、城镇、乡村各项指标情况 The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars ____ the most important of these. 下列各项指标中,数量指标是: untry’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars_____ the most important of these. SFE各项指标要求() 简述实验指标。 简述实验指标 下列各项指标中,属于成本指标的是() Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil.____. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil. Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.  Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time. In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful, this type of engines became the most 29 . Interest in electric cars was high in the 1970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive. Recently, electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 .  Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways. The biggest benefit is reduced pollution. In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars, pollution is not that serious. The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil. Several countries don"t want to 35 on oil from other countries. Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations, there is less need to import oil.
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