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What channel did Winston Churchill employ when making speech during the Second World War() ________ 18 June 1940, Churchill gaveanother fine speech when he drew attention ________ the courage of everyonedefending Britain. Although he was a famous politician and Prime Minister of Great Britain , Churchill found time to _______ in his hobbies of painting and gardening. ________ 18 June 1940, Churchill gave another fine speech when he drew attention ________ the courage of everyone defending Britain winston churchill gave a(moving)speech(选择与括号部分意义最相近的词或短语) Historians and many members of the public already know that Winston Churchill often took high-stakes gambles in his political life. Some, like the disastrous Dardanelles campaign — an audacious attempt he masterminded at the Admiralty to seize the straits of Gallipoli and knock Turkey out of the first world war — he got wrong. Others, notably his decision as prime minister in 1940 to hold out against Nazi Germany until America came to rescue Britain, he got spectacularly right. But the extent to which Churchill was a gambler in other spheres of his life has tended not to catch his biographers' attention.Two new books attempt to fill this gap. The first is”No More Champagne” by David Lough, a private-banker-tumed-historian who looks at Churchill's personal finances during the ups and downs of his career. Mr. Lough has trawled through Churchill's personal accounts and found that he was as much a risk-taker when it came to his money as he was when he was making decisions at the Admiralty or in Downing Street.Although Churchill was descended from the Dukes of Marlborough, his parents had “very little money on either side” 一 though that never stopped them living the high life. Neither did it hamper the young Churchill; he spent wildly on everything from polo ponies to Havana cigars, a habit he picked up as a war correspondent in Cuba.It is no wonder, then, that Churchill spent most of his life leaping from one cash flow crisis to another, being perennially behind with his suppliers5 bills. Another new book, “Winston Churchill Reporting”,by Simon Read, an American journalist, looks at one of the ways Churchill eventually paid some of them: writing. Mr. Read investigates how Churchill went from a young army officer cadet to being Britain's highest-earning war correspondent by the age of 25. It was the extent to which the young reporter was willing to take risks on battlefields across the world that marked out his columns from those of his contemporaries.Both books manage to tell their tales of Churchill the adventurer and gambler elegantly.And for a financial biography, Mr. Lough's is a surprising page-turner. But the two authors only briefly link their assessments of Churchill's personality to the important decisions he made in office. Although their stories are worth telling, they have left bigger questions about Churchill to other historians. British wartime prime minister Winston Churchill ____ the reporting for 50 years of an UFO incident because of fears it could create mass panic. 基本尺寸是()给定的尺寸,实际尺寸是()所得的尺寸。 下列说法正确的是: 实际尺寸=构造尺寸|实际尺寸=构造尺寸+误差|标志尺寸=构造尺寸|标志尺寸=构造尺寸+缝隙尺寸 基本尺寸A是设计给定的尺寸,而实际尺寸是通过()所得的尺寸。 Directions: Decide whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on your understanding of the relevant texts. Both Churchill and Roosevelt felt very excited about the coming conference. ( ) 基本尺寸A是设计给定的尺寸,而实际尺寸是通过所得的尺寸() 基本尺寸是()尺寸。 尺寸的三要素是尺寸数字、尺寸界线和尺寸箭头() 标注尺寸的三要素是尺寸界限、尺寸线、尺寸数字() 定位尺寸是标注尺寸、测量尺寸的基准() 标注尺寸的三要素是尺寸界线.尺寸线和尺寸数字() 人体构造上的尺寸是指( )尺寸;人体功能上的尺寸是指( )尺寸 基本尺寸是()的尺寸。 尺寸的三要素是尺寸数字、尺寸边界和尺寸精确度。()  
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