the word "it" in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to(). 材料
  Passage Three
  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
  American scientists are developing an "intelligent" mobile phone capable of blocking incoming calls depending on the owner's mood., Using "context aware" technology the "Sensay" phone will monitor calls and send back polite messages saying the user may be contacted later.
  A research team at the Institute for Complex Engineering Systems at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, are developing body temperature and electrical skin monitors to help the device understand the emotional state of its user. If the phone senses that the user is busy —for instance, involved in a conversation—it might block an incoming call and turn it onto voicemail. The phone would send back a text message saying the user is unavailable, but advising that id the matter is urgent the caller can try again in three minutes. If a call from the same person came in again, the phone would put it through.
  The researchers are interested in four basic different states—busy and not to be interrupted, physically active, idle,and "normal." Most people are said to change between these states,an average of 6 to 12 times a day.
  Professor Asim Smailagic, a leading member of the Carnegie Mellon team, told The Engineer magazine. "Today's computers are pretty dumb compared with the device. We got to work at the beginning of May and since then have been improving it. The next stage is to make it smarter, adding various intelligence systems so it can learn about the user. The phone also employs four primary sensors—two microphones to pick up conversations and monitor local noise; a light detector and an accelerometer (加速度计). The light sensor shows if the phone is being carried in a bag or pocket ,while the accelerometer determines whether the user is walking,running or standing still. In the sensor box, phone is being carried in a bag or pocket, while the accelerometer determines whether the user is walking,running or standing still,In the future,the sensor box,phone and personal organizer will be combined into one device."

the word "it" in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to().

A. the phone
B. the monitor
C. the computer
D. the light sensor

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