





试卷介绍: 2024年成考高起点每日一练《英语》5月24日专为备考2024年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • 1. I am excited () we are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.  





  • Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago,some policemen were very(21).There had been several serious accidents by motorists driving too fast.The police started to set up a speed trap(速度监视器).They measured(23)of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see(24)a car took to(25)that far.They knew that if a car took six seconds,it was traveling faster the (27)limit of 30 miles an hour. When the policemen were ready,they hid(28)a hedge(树篱)and started to time passing cars.During their first half an hour,they caught five drivers.The policemen wrote down the(29)of each car and the name and address of the driver. But for the next half an hour the policemen didn't see anybody (30)too fast.They thought that this was very(31).One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students(32)on the grass.They were holding up a sheet of cupboard so that motorists could see it.On the notice one of the students(33):“Danger. Speed trap. The policemen took the notice away and wrote down the names of the students. Later on they were each fined . ₤5for(34)to stop the police catching motorists who were(35)the law.

    2. 第(21)题选()





  • Robert Kohout,39,was working outside his home last October when he heard a frightening noise.He turned round and saw Walter Graham's car sinking into 8 feet of water of the swimming pool a little distance away from his yard. Kohout immediately called to Graham’s wife,Evelyn, to telephone 911. Then he ran back to his house to get Terence Reif and Glenn Fajardo to help,who were at work inside the house.“There was no time for second thoughts,”said Reif,a farmer’s son.“The only thing to do was to get in the pool.” The car doors were locked.Graham,73,was unconscious(失去知觉),and his Mercury was rapidly filling with water. Reif struggled to break the driver's side window with a hammer but had trouble getting it done underwater. Finally—some four minutes after the car had fallen into the pool—the glass was broken. By then, Graham was floating at the top of the flooded passenger compartment( The three men pulled Graham out through the broken glass. He wasn't breathing and his heart stopped beating,so they performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.The rescue(急救)team arrived in no time.Doctors supplied him with advanced life support on the way to the hospital. “These people were getting to Graham through the glass,”said Dr.Jeff Messinger.“All three acted without regard for their own safety.”Added Evelyn Graham,“They were truly angels(天使)watching over us.

    3. Immediately after Robert found the car sinking into the pool,he______.

    Ajumped into the pool

    Bshouted to let Evelyn call the rescue team

    Cran to the nearest telephone

    Drushed into Graham’s house to find his wife

  • Lucy要去艺术展览中心 ,向一位男士问路,该男士告诉她如何前往。 (L=Lucy;S=Sir) L: Excuse me ,sir. 51__________________ the Art Exhibition Centre? S:Yes but it is quite far.It'S about an hour'Swalk.You can take a bus there. L: 52__________________ ? S:You can take Bus No. 15. L: 53__________________ ? S:About 20 minutes. And you can also take a taxi. L:Taxi? That'S a good idea. Thank you very much. S: 54__________________ . L:Goodbye. S; 55__________________.

    1. 根据中文提示,把54空缺少的内容写在线上。
  • 补全对话∶共5句。根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。 提示:Henry准备去上海开会,打电话到航空公司订票,工作人员Lillian接听了电话。 (L = Lillian; H = Henry) L:Hello! This is Air China.________51________? H:Hello. I’d like to book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai. L:Sure. ________52________? H:This Saturday morning July 12. L:OK. How many tickets? H:________53________. L:So, that’s one ticket from Beijing to Shanghai. H:________54________? L:Well, that will be 1,030 yuan. H:OK. Can I book that now? L:Certainly. H:________55________. L:You’re welcome.

    2. 请根据中文提示,回答________53________对话中缺少的内容。
  • 提示:李明打电话给David,邀请他下星期日去博物馆看展览。 (L = Li Ming;D = David) L:Hello. This is Li Ming speaking. May I speak to David? D:________51________. What’s up, Li Ming? L:What are you going to do next Sunday? D:Nothing much. Do you have any ideas? L:________52________? There’s a Russian oil painting exhibition there. D:Good idea! ________53________? L:Bus 202 will take you there. D:Good. ________54________, then? L:Let’s meet just at the gate of the museum. D:________55________? L:Half past nine. D:All right. See you then.

    3. 请根据中文提示,回答________53________对话中缺少的内容。
  • 提示:Jack碰到同学 Mike,两人聊起今晚的安排。 (J=Jack;M=Mike) J:Hi,Mike.Are you doing anything special tonight? M: 51 J:Good.I"ve got two concert tickets. 52 ? M:Sure.I"d love to. 53 ? J:We are going there by car.I will give you a ride. M:Great. 54 ? J:We"ll meet at the school gate.How about 6 o"clock? M:Okay.See you then. J: ; 55

    1. 53题答案是()。  
  • 2. 51题答案是()。  
  • 3. 55题答案是()。  
  • 1. 假设你是小明,光明中学的学生,你给你的好友小华写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多摩天大楼,但看不到世贸大厦了;两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游览了迪斯尼乐园;还去了内华达(Nevada)的里诺(Reno),游览了风景优美的大沪(Dahu)湖。注意:1.不要逐字翻译,叙述要连贯。2.词数应为100左右。