





试卷介绍: 2024年成考专升本每日一练《英语》8月15日专为备考2024年英语考生准备,帮助考生通过每日坚持练习,逐步提升考试成绩。



  • Passage Two Ask any group of parents to describe their eighth graders (八年级学生),and you’ll get a surprising—and often contradictory—range of responses.Eighth graders are often quiet and shy,yet they're often loud and frank.They keep pushing you away,yet they're still deeply influenced by everything you say and do.They can make a perfectly reasonable argument as to why they should be allowed to date,yet they can't seem to understand your perfectly reasonable argument for why they should wait.They want to be individuals,yet they want desperately to fit in. Welcome to the eighth grade!Your child is now a full-grown teenager,and she'll experience great physical,emotional,and intellectual(智力的)changes during this dramatic year.As she moves from childhood to adulthood (成年),she'll begin to look like a young woman,and she'll begin to struggle for the independence of adulthood,for which she's not quite ready yet.Your teenager will experience changes and feel emotions she won't always understand.As a result,she'll sometimes feel a little lost or scared,and often very confused as she struggles to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. That is where you come in.As much as your eighth grader may push you away,as much as you may feel she doesn't want you around,she does want you to be involved in her life.She needs you to know what's happening to her and around her,especially in school where she may face pressure to fit in and where she'll face a curiculum that challenges her developing reasoning skills.As the saying goes, “Little kids,little problems;big kids,big problems.”And your big kid will need you to help her work those problems out.

    1. Which of the following statements about eighth graders is true?  

    AThey fit into society well.

    BThey show conflicting characters.

    CThey push each other away.

    DThey become increasingly reasonable.

  • 2. I'd rather marry a man who had a(n)_____of humour than one who was very attractive.





  • Half of the world's coral reefs(珊瑚礁)have died in the last 30 years. Now scientists are racing to ensure that the rest survive.Even if global warming were to stop right now, scientists predict that more than 90% of corals will die by 2050. If no major steps are taken to address the problem,the reefs may be headed for total extinction(灭绝). (78)The planet's health depends on the survival of coral reefs. They are often described as "the rainforests of the sea",because they provide shelter for a wide variety of sea life.In addition, the reefs serve as barriers that protect coastlines from the full force of powerful storms. Corals are used in medical research for cures to diseases.They are key to local economies as well, since the reefs attract tourists, the fishing industry, and other businesses, bringing in billions of dollars. (79) Corals are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature. A rise of just 1 to 2 degrees can force the corals to drive out the algae(水藻).Then the corals turn white in a process called “bleaching”. Corals can recover from short-term bleaching, but long-term bleaching can cause permanent damage.In 1998,when sea surface temperatures were the highest in recorded history, coral reefs around the world suffered the most severe bleaching. It is estimated that even under the best of conditions, many of these coral reefs will need decades to recover. Although reefs face other threats from pollution, industrial activities, and overfishing, it is global climate change that most concerns scientists. Scientists remain hopeful that it's not too late to save the reefs, and some are moving ahead on experiments to accomplish that goal.

    3. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?  

    ARising Global Temperatures  

    BRainforests Are in Danger  

    C Coral Reefs Face Extinction  

    DGlobal Climate Change  

  • 4. The reason why they changed their mind_______to us yet.  

    A has not explained

    B has not been explained  

    C did not explain

    D was not explained  

  • 1. Do you have access to the Internet?
  • 2. 新学期伊始,你们班准备组织一场迎新晚会,让同学们熟悉起来。你(Li Yuan)打算邀请外教(Tim)来参加迎新晚会。请给他写一封e—mail,内容包括:
  • 3. 你(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。请给你的英国朋友Tim写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
  • 4. The doctor is very patient with his patients.
  • 1. 你是王刚(Wang Gang),写一封给朋友李明(Li Ming)的祝贺信,祝贺他获得复旦大学计算机科学硕士学位,并祝他今后在学习和研究方面取得成功。
  • 2. 你(Li Yuan)要参加一次英语征文比赛,题目为My Favorite Photo。请写一篇短文参赛,内容包括: 拍照时间和地点;照片中的人物或景物;喜欢这张照片的原因。