





试卷介绍: 2022年成考专升本英语模拟习题(三)已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!



  • 1. 请选出读音不同的选项。()。  





  • 2. 请选出读音不同的选项。()。  





  • 3. 请选出读音不同的选项。()。  





  • 4. 请选出读音不同的选项。()。  





  • 5. 选出括号部分读音不同的选项()。  





  • 1. ()he comes, we won't be able to go.  





  • 2. It()John and Kate who helped me the other day.  





  • 3. Her English is very good. She can speak English better than()in her grade.  

    Aany one

    Bthe one 

    Cany one else

    Dother student

  • 4. He suddenly returned()a Sunday morning.  





  • 5. It is a()ride from his home to the shopping center.  





  • 6. My parents always buy()my birthday.  

    Aanything nice to

    Banything nice for

    Csomething nice to

    Dsomething nice for

  • 7. In()century, computers will be used more widely.  


    Bthe twenty-one


    Dthe twenty-first

  • 8. I didn't know the answer,().  

    Aneither he did 

    Bneither did he

    Cneither he knew 

    Dhe didn't neither

  • 9. I was on the point of going to bed()Mr.Zhang rang.  





  • 10. Neither Tom nor John()a bike of()own.  

    Ahave, their

    Bhas, his

    Chave, his

    Dhas, their

  • 11. A doctor, together with two nurses,()sent to the mountain village.  


    Bhave been


    Dhas been

  • 12. I would rather you()those important files with you.  

    Anot take

    Bdidn't take

    Cwon't take

    Dhaven't taken

  • 13. (),electrons are still smaller.  

    AAs atoms small are 

    BAs atoms smaller as 

    CSmall as atoms are 

    DSmaller atoms as are

  • 14. "The interest()be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides." declared the judge.  





  • 15. Mary had finished her homework()the time I got home.  





  • What enables some people to get big creative breakthroughs while others only get small and non -creative breakdowns, blaming themselves and society? Are some people “gifted“? Are there other factors (21)______work-factors that we have more control over than we think?
    While nobody can deny the (22)______ that some people seem to be blessed with particular creativity, research shows that any one can (23)______ their chances of coming up with new and original ideas (24)______ they would only engage themselves more in the process of (25)______ It's the old Thomas Edison thing about “discovery (26)______ 99 percent perspiration (汗水)and 1 percent inspiration. (27)_______ the studies prove this great creative breakthroughs usually happen only (28)_____ intense periods of struggle. It is sustained effort towards a specific goal (29)_______ eventually prepares for great creative insights.
    This kind of sustained effort does not always (30)______ immediate results, a fact that not only separates the innovators (革新者)from non-innovators. but (31)_______ leads some people to conclude that it is just not (32)______ for them. “Maybe I should have gone to medical school like my mother wanted.” they wonder when the breakthrough is (33)______ to be found Alas, one forgets during inevitable encounters _34 _self-doubt. that the big surprise is never (35)______.Indeed. it can happen at any time and place.

    1. 以下选项21题答案为()  





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  • 7. 以下选项27题答案为()  

    ASooner or later

    BSome day or other

    CEvery now and then

    DTime and again

  • 8. 以下选项28题答案为()  





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  • 15. 以下选项35题答案为()  

    Afar away

    Bused up

    Ccleared off

    Dnear by

  • Cirque du Soleil (say it: Serk du So-lay) is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of AIDS.It is a modern acrobatic circus from Canada that tours in the United States and other countries.
    Last April, the company fired Matthew Cusick because he was HIV positive.This was after he spent four months learning his part in an act.
    A spokesman for the circus said Cusick was fired for safety reasons.They said he was a danger to others.
    He disagreed.
    Hundreds of people picketed a show in San Francisco.They said that firing him was not legal.
    Cusick says the company knew he was HIV positive when they hired him.It was not fair to let him put so much time into learning his act, and then fire him before he performed.
    He says he is not a danger to others.People can only get AIDS if infected blood contacts another person's blood, or open wound.
    The company says what their acrobats do is very, very dangerous.They perform tricks without nets.Someone might fall and get hurt.It could be bloody.They say it is too risky to let a person with HIV take part in an act.
    People who run the circus say it hurts to be accused of discrimination.
    Matthew Cusick says he feels hurt that he can't perform in the big blue and yellow tent.
    Dozens of artists, actors, writers and entertainers got involved in protesting the firing of Matthew Cusick.Some names you might know are: the Actors' Equity Union (45,000 members), Rosie O'Donnell, Rod McKuen, and Chad Allen.They also protested at a showing in Orange County.They said "HIV discrimination is unacceptable."

    1. Matthew Cusick _____.  

    Abelieves he was fired illegally

    Bsays he was not HIV positive

    Cunderstands why he had to be fired

    Dlives in San Francisco

  • 2. Protestors claimed it was wrong to fire Matthew Cusick merely because he was _____.  

    Aa very good acrobat

    Bnot sick

    Cunable to find other work

    DHIV positive

  • 3. Cirque du Soleil officials said their top concern was _____.  

    Aregulations against job discrimination

    Bthe safety of other performers and the audiences

    Cdoing the right thing

    Dmaking a lot of money

  • 4. Acrobats and gymnasts are in danger of hurting themselves in Cirque du Soleil performances because _____.  

    Athey haven't practiced enough

    Bthe equipment is in need of repairs

    Cthey perform risky acts without nets

    Dsome are HIV positive

  • In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don't know.This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available, even if a large one is.If you are sitting at a table with people you don't know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without first asking if it will disturb them.
    At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water before you order.You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill.
    Most cities and towns have no roles about opening and closing times for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars.Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.
    Servings in restaurants are often large, too large for many people.If you can't finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a "doggie bag".It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you are taking food for yourself.
    Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal.Some people have "Sunday dinner".This is an especially big noon meal.
    Tips are not usually added to the check.They are not included in the price of the meal, either.A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave.In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there.Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

    5. Which statement is true?  

    AAmerican people like sitting with people they don't know

    BA hostess always seats a small group at a large table

    CAmerican people never sit with people they don't know

    DAmerican people would not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking

  • 6. Which statement is not mentioned in the passage?  

    ATips are not usually included in the total check

    BA 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service

    CPeople tip waiters and waitresses

    DPeople always put tips on the table

  • 7. What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?  

    AThey take the food home with a doggie bag for their dog

    BThey leave the food on the table and go away

    CThey take the food home with a doggie bag and enjoy the food late

    DThey ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for the

  • 8. Sunday dinner is______.  

    Aa dinner in the evening

    Ba big noon meal

    Ca big meal on Sunday

    Da supper on Sunday

  • There Pictures from outer space now show us how much land has changed on earth.These images are taken by Landsat 7, a government satellite.The satellites have been used for 27 years.They reveal the clear-cutting of forests in the northwestern part of the United States.Pictures show the loss of rain forests in South America.
    NASA's Darrel Williams speaks about the Landsat 7 Project.He said that an eruption caused trees to burn up in a large forest.Fifteen years later, pinkish images from space show that the trees and plant life are growing again.Williams says that clear-cut areas easily show up in the pictures.He wants Americans to look at how much land is being cleared of forests in our country.
    Satellites have provided other information about changes on earth.In the past ten years, more than four miles have shrunk from glaciers in Alaska.Landsat 7 received these computer images of Glacier Bay in Alaska.
    Hurricanes Floyd and Irene have damaged the coastline in North Carolina.Runoff from farms and silt have gone into the.ocean according to satellite images.Loss of trees and forests have caused hotter summers in southern cities such as Atlanta, Georgia.
    The Landsat 7 images are like pictures in a photo album.Instead of pictures of the family, the album shows changes around the globe in the past 25 years.
    A new satellite, Terra, is going to be launched by NASA soon.It will be more advanced than Landsat 7 and will take important global pictures.Ocean temperatures and energy loss will be provided by Terra daily.

    9. NASA can tell that vegetation is growing back because of __.  

    Aa bright, white light that is reflected

    Blittle tiny trees that are growing

    Cvegetable gardens that are planted

    Da light, pinkish view from space

  • 10. Landsat 7 knows that Alaskan glaciers have shrunk because __.  

    Asightseers have noted the changes

    Bcomputer-animated views have shown the shrinkage

    Cone of the glaciers was hit by a ship

    Dthe temperatures are much colder

  • 11. Silt and heavy run-off from farms in North Carolina were caused by __.  

    AHurricanes Irene and Floyd

    BHurricanes Floyd and Carla

    Can eruption from a volcano

    Ddeforestation of trees

  • 12. Terra will be a better satellite because  

    Ano other country can make one like it

    Bit is much cheaper to operate

    Cit is more sophisticated than Landsat 7

    DTerra will show energy gains

  • Children for whom school has no point
    Many children do not go to school either because their parents want them at home as carers for siblings, or simply because their parents cannot be bothered to send them.Thousands more are not registered at any school at all, because of their families' unstable lives.
    Underlying this dreadful situation there are two central truths.First of all, the problem of children not going to school often has more to do with their parents than with the children themselves.Secondly, once children go to school, we need to make sure that the experience is a positive one so that they want to keep on going.
    In Britain, the Ministry of Education has introduced a complex package of sticks and carrots to persuade Schools to bring truants' and excluded children back into the classroom.It is paying grants so that a thousand schools can set up special units to help these children.Schools receive the grant if they bring a target number of children back to school; if they do not meet the target, the grant is withdrawn.
    Parents are the subject of this campaign, too: the Home Office has introduced fines for parents who fail to send their children to school, and has given the police power to pick up truants on the streets.
    Truant=a child who does not go to school when he or she should.

    13. According to the text, there are thousands of children who __.  

    Arun away from school

    Blive in stable families

    Care not registered at any school

    Dstay at home doing the housework

  • 14. Part of the problem is __.  

    Athat people feel very emotional

    Bthat parents worry their children at school

    Cthat these children think education is a waste of time

    Dthat there are not enough police to pick up truants on the streets

  • 15. The Ministry of Education will take away a school's grant if__.  

    Athey do not reach their objectives

    Bthey do not contact parents

    Cchildren escape from school

    Dthey meet their targets

  • 16. The Home Office __.  

    Ahas given powers to the police to pick up parents

    Bwill give money to parents to send children to school

    Cwill go to the family and persuade parents and their children

    Dwill punish parents who fail to send their children to school

  • Laura was married for 6 months.Her husband was using drugs.She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave.She left him a note instead.After reading the note, Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.
    Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job.She was ashamed to ask for help from the police, courts or women's shelters.Sometimes her husband was very nice to her.She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father.Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.
    But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family.Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while.He beat her again.The priest came over to talk to her.He asked the husband to go out for a while.Laura packed up her things and left home with her son.The next day she lost the baby.Her husband went to jail.
    Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten.Now she is in college, has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women's shelter."We got out, and it changed life for me and my child.You can do it.You can break the cycle," Laura said.

    17. The message Laura left her husband was most likely “__ ”.  

    ADo not beat the kid any more

    BLearn to take care of the family

    CLeave me and my children

    DBe a good father

  • 18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?  

    ALaura has two children

    BLaura never got any joy

    CLaura's husband got punished

    DLaura got little help from the society

  • 19. Laura didn't go to the police or courts because __.  

    Ashe was afraid of being laughed at

    Bthe priest asked her not to do so

    Cher husband was a nice guy

    Dshe was not well-educated

  • 20. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?  

    AHusband-Wife Relationship

    BWomen's Rights

    CLaura's Marriage

    DFamily Violence

  • 1. 请在第56_____处填上正确答案。  

    Ahow long do you think that

    Binternational communications

    CI cannot see you frequently

    Dafter you finish your degree

    Ehow often do you see me

    FI have not seen you in a while

    Glearn something important

    HSo where have you seen

  • 2. 请在第57_____处填上正确答案。  

    Ahow long do you think that

    Binternational communications

    CI cannot see you frequently

    Dafter you finish your degree

    Ehow often do you see me

    FI have not seen you in a while

    Glearn something important

    HSo where have you seen

  • 3. 请在第58_____处填上正确答案。  

    Ahow long do you think that

    Binternational communications

    CI cannot see you frequently

    Dafter you finish your degree

    Ehow often do you see me

    FI have not seen you in a while

    Glearn something important

    HSo where have you seen

  • 4. 请在第59_____处填上正确答案。  

    Ahow long do you think that

    Binternational communications

    CI cannot see you frequently

    Dafter you finish your degree

    Ehow often do you see me

    FI have not seen you in a while

    Glearn something important

    HSo where have you seen

  • 5. 请在第60_____处填上正确答案。  

    Ahow long do you think that

    Binternational communications

    CI cannot see you frequently

    Dafter you finish your degree

    Ehow often do you see me

    FI have not seen you in a while

    Glearn something important

    HSo where have you seen

  • 1. 以“Failure and Success”为题写一篇短文,内容包括: (1)人生中遭遇失败很常见;