

A. 面向对象的设计
B. 结构化分析
C. 面向对象的分析
D. 结构化设计

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面向对象开发方法包括OOA,OOD,()三部分 在OOA模型中,每个对象或分类结构要考虑的3类基础服务是() OOA中,事件追踪图是反映()对象所表现出来的集体行为 需求分析的主要方法有SD法、OOA法及HIPO法等。() 需求分析的主要方法有SD法、OOA法及HIPO法等 对象自身行为如读,写对象属性,在OOA中必须要考虑() OOD模型的4个部分均采用与OOA一致的概念、表示法、活动及策略 在OOD阶段,对OOA阶段没确定可见性的属性,要尽可能地保持数据私有性() 在用OOA具体分析一个事物时,大致遵循的步骤的以下排序正确的是(),①确定属性;②确定结构;③确定方法;④确定对象和类;⑤确定主题 在用OOA方法对调查结果进行分析处理时,依据的原则中有抽象原则。问:什么叫抽象?数据抽象和过程抽象又是如何定义的? 常用的需求分析方法有:面向数据流的结构化分析方法(SA)、面向对象的分析方法(OOA)。(  )不是结构化分析方法的图形工具。 常用的需求分析方法有:面向数据流的结构化分析方法(SA),面向对象的分析方法(OOA)。(  )不是结构化分析方法的图形工具。 常用的需求分析方法有:面向数据流的结构化分析方法(SA),面向对象的分析方法(OOA),下列()不是结构化分析方法的图形工具。 常用的需求分析方法有:面向数据流的结构化分析方法(SA),面向对象的分析方法(OOA),下列()不是结构化分析方法的图形工具 OOA模型规定了一组对象如何协同才能完成软件系统所指定的工作。这种协同在模型中是以表明对象通信方式的一组连接来实现的() Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a ()and associated scenarios. The second is(),which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is (), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of( 请作答此空). Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is( 请作答此空 ). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a ()and associated scenarios. The second is(),which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is (), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of(). Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a ( 请作答此空)and associated scenarios. The second is(),which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is (), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of(). Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a ()and associated scenarios. The second is(),which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is ( 请作答此空 ), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of(). Object-oriented analysis(OOA.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a ()and associated scenarios. The second is(请作答此空 ),which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is (), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of().
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