
请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。
Passage 2
It was a dark and stormy night. Somewhere, Gary Bettman was seething. All these events being cancelled, and not by him.
On TV, anticipation was so animated it was heatedly debated and, in the way that television is ghastly in its predilections, the coverage was both ghoulish and foolish. On CNN, it went like this--in the studio, an anchor lady talking to a weather guy who noted, "it will be onshore in less than three hours," at which point anchor lady declared, "and there he is, All Velshi! " Cut to All Velshi, barely upright and ankle-deep in water in Atlantic City, in a fierce, whipping wind.
"All, at any point in time we will yank this, if you are in any danger at all," anchor lady announced helpfully. Then, "what else do you see, All?" To which he answered, "There"s some siding flying off buildings. Unless you"re kinda like us and reporting, there"s no reason to be out here."
Too true. On channel after channel, reporters standing in howling winds and pouring rain to illustrate that, yeah, the storm was arriving and it was wicked, just as predicted. In case anyone thought it was a con "job.
Then the Hurricane Sandy devastation in New Jersey and New York. Footage of flooded
subways, as if massive waves of water finding an outlet in large holes in the ground was a surprise.
In Toronto"s east end, a tree fell. Power went out. CP24 savoured i_t all, at last some real, honest-to-God disaster effects.
For all the raw footage and dramatic scenes of flooding, fires, rescue workers waist-deep in water and darkened buildings lashed by wind, television struggles to convey the authenticity of disaster-inducing storms. The fallback position is disaster-movie cliche and panicked voices in a studio commanding viewers to look (just look!) at this footage of flooding! The term "weather porn" doesn"t do it justice.
Few live TV shows were taped in New York on Monday. But David Letterman wen

A. the tree that fell
B. Toronto"s east end
C. the subway in New York
D. the Hurricane Sandy devastation

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According to the passage, the average I.Q. is _____. 中国大学MOOC: Read Passage 2 and judge: Many people think just saying “I’m sorry” is enough for an apology. 2. According to the passage, which of the following about hormones is correct? This passage suggests that an individual"s I.Q. __________. In Passage 2, what kind of people think Internet addiction is not a real problem? Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase"a rite of passage"in Paragraph 2? 2. How many forms of transportation in New York are mentioned in the passage? 文章见教材第55页 UNIT3 Passage one1. What is the main purpose of the passage() “Office politics” (Line2, Para.5) is used in the passage to refer to _____. What does the ‘unwanted’ deep sea life mean in Paragraph 2 according to the passage? 请阅读文章,完成第44题() 中国大学MOOC: 2.Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? 一、简答题(本题共3题。第1小题8分。第2小题10分,第3小题17分。共35分) 1、请简述企业组织信息采集的程序。 Though the passage is easy, I don’t think __________can understand it. Passage _____ is an argument, and Passage ______ is a counter-argument. 一、简答题(本题共3题。第1小题8分。第2小题10分,第3小题17分。共35分)1、请简述企业组织信息采集的程序。(8分) 一、问答题(本题共3题。第1小题8分。第2小题10分,第3小题17分。共35分)1、请简述企业组织信息采集的程序。(8分) ult as part of the passage was ________, I managed to catch hold of its meaning in the end. The fact is _____I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, _______accounts for my appearance Read Passage 2 and judge: People need to take a few important steps to make a truly heartfelt apology effective()
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