

A. 层状系统
B. 三层/多层系统
C. 流程处理系统
D. 客户机/服务器系统

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企业数据架构的典型形式包括:( ) _____ layer just above the internet layer. 中国大学MOOC: S-layer是Slimer layer的缩写。 哪种NFV架构最优 多品牌架构是指()。 分类品牌架构是指()。 复合品牌架构是指()。 复合品牌架构是指() 下列哪种是属于主从式架构的形式( ) 双品牌架构是指()共用。 SDN的典型架构分为应用层、控制层() Which of these network devices primarily functions at the OSI Network layer(layer 3)() 组织架架构变动,需要对停用的组织架构进行哪种操作() 联合品牌架构(双品牌架构)是指产品品牌与企业品牌共用。 联合品牌架构(双品牌架构)是指产品品牌与企业品牌共用() 下列哪种是目前交换机的主要架构(). Routers perform the decision process that selects what path a packet takes. These ( ) layer devices participate it the collection and distribution of network-layer information, and perform Layer 3 switching based on the contents of the network layer ( ) of each packet. You can connect the routers directly by point-to-point ( ) or local-area networks, or you can connect them by LAN or WAN switches. These Layer 2 switches unfortunately do not have the capability to hold Layer 3 ( ) information or to select the path taken by a packet through analysis of its Layer 3 destination address. Thus, Layer 2 switches be involved in the Layer 3 packet ( ) decision process. Routers perform the decision process that selects what path a packet takes. These ( ) layer devices participate it the collection and distribution of network-layer information, and perform Layer 3 switching based on the contents of the network layer ( ) of each packet. You can connect the routers directly by point-to-point ( ) or local-area networks, or you can connect them by LAN or WAN switches. These Layer 2 switches unfortunately do not have the capability to hold Layer 3 ( ) information or to select the path taken by a packet through analysis of its Layer 3 destination address. Thus, Layer 2 switches be involved in the Layer 3 packet ( ) decision process. Routers perform the decision process that selects what path a packet takes. These ( ) layer devices participate it the collection and distribution of network-layer information, and perform Layer 3 switching based on the contents of the network layer ( ) of each packet. You can connect the routers directly by point-to-point ( ) or local-area networks, or you can connect them by LAN or WAN switches. These Layer 2 switches unfortunately do not have the capability to hold Layer 3 ( ) information or to select the path taken by a packet through analysis of its Layer 3 destination address. Thus, Layer 2 switches be involved in the Layer 3 packet ( ) decision process. 单一品牌架构又称统一品牌架构,是指()。
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