Built in 1998 by a small group of passionate education and tech professionals, Tutor.com offers one-to-one learning solutions for students through educational institutions and public and state libraries as well as through corporations for employee benefits and workforce development. We connect learners with qualified, expert tutors online, on-demand, 24/7/361. We provide tutoring services in more than 200 academic subjects and test preparation areas in an engaging and uplifting learning environment.
Our core philosophy is that when a learner needs help, the best way to get it is right away from an experienced expert. Our experts are online 24/7, ready to help. Our mission is to help every learner first realize and then reach their full potential. The results: more than 18 million one-to-one sessions served.97% of the students, teachers, and professionals who use Tutor.com's services would recommend us to a friend, while 98% of our post-session survey respondents are glad their institution offers Tutor.com.
Today, we work with thousands of educational institutions and education-forward corporations to deliver more than one million tutoring, homework help, and test preparation sessions per year.