The word “confined”(Para. 2) means(). 材料
  Urban GardeningUrban gardening refers to the practice of planting a garden in the city. Apartments, town homes, and other areas with little or no land are being used for gardening. This method of gardening is becoming more common as the amount of land for gardening in cities is becoming smaller and smaller.
  Containers, hanging baskets and raised beds are examples of items people use to create a garden in a confined space. Some cities also offer a shared community garden for people who have no room to grow plants at home.
  Many types of plants can be grown in containers and baskets. Tomatoes and peppers, for instance,can grow in containers on windowsills (窗台). Plants grown on a windowsill should usually receive at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Herbs are often grown in containers or baskets in the kitchen. They do not require much space and can be handy for cooking.
  People who want to grow more plants may use raised beds which are usually made of wood pieces and filled with a mixture of soil and fertilizers. They can be built on top of any hard surface, including roof tops. People like them because the beds often cost much less than most other methods of gardening.
  Community gardening could be an option for anyone who does not have space for a garden at home. Most cities that offer this will rent a small plot of land to someone for a fee, or allow them to use it free of charge. Instead of dividing the land into separate plots, some cities allow everyone in the neighborhood to share and work on the same land. This method could be beneficial for people in the neighborhood who share the passion for growing things.

The word “confined”(Para. 2) means().

A. open
B. empty
C. limited
D. occupied

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In this passage, the word " flush" underlined in Paragraph 2 means(). In an instant message,“G2G”probably means The phrase "prior to" (Para.2) probably means___________. The word “Destruction” in paragraph 2 probably means “the process of being ______.” The word “base” (para.2) most probably means _______________. The phrase"being on the same wavelength" in Paragraph 2 means_______.   The phrase “better off’(para.2)probably means() F in the word FATHERS means .A means T Means ,H means .E stands for ,R means,S means The phrase ‘in lieu of’ (line 2, paragraph 4) most probably means ______. The phrase “live up to” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) in this context means ____. The word "light" in Paragraph 2 means “______”.  D. shining   By saying "stretching your wings at work"(Para. 2 ),the author means “__________." “ Brainstorming ” means __________. “ Brainstorming ” means __________. (2). (单选题) The phrase "on the way" in the first paragraph means ________. ( ) (本题2.0分) What does an “A-OK” gesture mean in Japan?: It means “good.”|It means “money.”|It means “toilet.”|It means “zero.” The sentence “We have people... down the road” (Line 3, Paragraph 2) probably means ______. The sentence "You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you." (Para 2) means _____. The word ( ) means "conveyance of real property by means of a last will and testament". The word ( ) means "conveyance of real property by means of a last will and testament". The methods for us to deal with the textbook include four aspects: we can use four big letters (LARA ) to represent it. here L means leave; A means adapt; R means ___________; and A means add.
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