
T: Today we are going to talk about “travelling". Mike, have you ever traveled?
M: Yes, I have ever been to Beijing.
T: When did you go there?
M: Last summer.
T: How did you go there?
M: We went there by bus.
T: Why did you go there by bus?
M: Because it isn ' t too far away from here and it ' s very convenient to go there by bus.
T: Good. How about you? Li Ming, have you ever travelled?
L: Yes, I have been to Hainan last winter vacation.
T: How did you go there?
L: I went there by plane.
T: Why?
L: Because it ' s too far from here and we can save lots of time by going there by plane.
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A.How many paragraphs? B.Ss: C.T: D.Ss: E.T: F.What’s the structure of the passage? G.A or H.B? I.Ss: (学生思考讨论) J.T: K.Well, L.Let’s talk about how M.Wang N.Hui wrote his life in O.The first paragraph: P.Wang Q... R.Ss: S.T: T.What did U.Wang V.Hui say? W.S1: X.When you meet someone for the first time, you must use Y.Mr or Z.S2: [.3【简答题】该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节(6分)?
A.How many paragraphs? B.Ss: C.T: D.Ss: E.T: F.What’s the structure of the passage? G.A or H.B? I.Ss: (学生思考讨论) J.T: K.Well, L.Let’s talk about how M.Wang N.Hui wrote his life in O.The first paragraph: P.Wang Q... R.Ss: S.T: T.What did U.Wang V.Hui say? W.S1: X.When you meet someone for the first time, you must use Y.Mr or Z.S2: [.阅读后回答下列问题:8【简答题】该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节(6分)?
下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:T: Ok!Next, lets read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Readthe passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.(5 minutes later)T: Now, who can s
根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。下列教学片段选自某初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:?T: Ok!Next, lets read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.(5 minutes la
根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。下列两个教学片段选自某初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。片段一S1:Have you ever been to Paris?$2: No, I havent. Have you?S1: Yes. It s wonderful.$2: How long did you stayed?S1: One week.$2: The buildings are beautif
下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录:T: Thank you. Look at the picture. We have learned Wang Huis experiences in England.Today lets talk about how Wang Hui wrote the passage. Open your book and look at the passage. How ma
根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录:T: Thank you. Look at the picture. We have learned Wang Huis experiences in England.Today lets talk about how Wang Hui wrote the passage. Open your bo
请观看小学高年段《落花生》教学片段,并按要求回答问题。问题(一):请结合本教学片段评析教师的课堂提问行为。 问题(二):试论述教师课堂提问的功能。
请观看小学高年段《落花生》教学片段,并按要求回答问题。问题(一):请结合本教学片段评析教师的课堂提问行为。(10分)问题(二):试论述教师课堂提问的功能。(10分) 根据题目要求,完成下列任务,用中文作答。以下片段选自某课堂实录。请分析该教学片段并回答下列问题:?(1)该教师采用什么方法授课?(2)这些方法有什么利弊?T: Look. Its a rainbow. Oh, its beautiful! What colour do you like? I like purple.SI: I like yellow. pears(T: What are they (视频题)请观看小学高年段《落花生》教学片段,并按要求回答问题。 [问题1][简答题] 请结合本教学片段评析教师的课堂提问行为。 [问题2][简答题] 试论述教师课堂提问的功能。 (视频题)请观看小学高年段《落花生》教学片段,并按要求回答问题。[问题1][简答题]请结合本教学片段评析教师的课堂提问行为。(10分)[问题2][简答题]试论述教师课堂提问的功能。(10分) 材料全屏下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:   问题(一):请结合本教学片段评析教师的课堂提问行为。 材料全屏下面是某英语教师在阅读课中导入部分与学生的互动。请回答以下问题教学片段: 我们可以制作课堂实录微缩版的微课用于教学() 请观看小学高年段《落花生》教学片断,并按要求回答问题问题:(1)请结合本教学片断评析教师的课堂提问行为(2)试论述教师课堂提问的功能 根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:?{图} 请根据所给材料回答下列3个问题。 (1)这是课堂教学的哪一个环节?(6分) (2)该教师使用了哪些教学手段,分别达到什么教学目的?(12分) (3)根据这一教学片段,教师在课堂互动中应注意哪些问题?(12分) 根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:?请根据所给材料回答下列3个问题。(1)这是课堂教学的哪一个环节?(6分)(2)该教师使用了哪些教学手段,分别达到什么教学目的?(12分)(3)根据这一教学片段,教师在课堂互动中应注意哪些问题?(12分) 阅读《(呐喊)自序》教学实录(片段),按照要求答题。 下列教学片段选自某一高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:?(1)该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节?(10分)(2)分析这两个教学环节的目的。(10分)(3)从教学有效性的角度评价这个教学片段(至少写两个要点)。(10分)T: Could you play games on Internet every evening, boys and girls?Ss: Sorry, I couldn"t.T: On what day could you play them every week?Ss: Only on Saturday and Sunday.T: Oh!We could say you could play games twice a week. I could go visit friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings. So we could say I could visit my friends twice a week. What does TWICE here mean?Ss: It means "两次".T: Great! Then you will be divided into groups, four in one group, to make as many sentences as possible by "Could you ... every week?" and "twice a week". After 5 minutes, I"ll invite one speaker out of each group to present in class. 案例:阅读下列教学片段,回答问题。课堂上有位学生指出老师对某个问题的解释有错误,老师当时就恼怒起来:“某某同学,算你厉害,老师不如你,以后老师的课就由你来上好了!”全班同学随老师一起嘲笑这位学生,该生从此在课堂不能发现问题,不敢主动回答问题了。问题:请你评价该实例中的老师的做法有哪些不当之处,这种行为违反了哪条教学原则? 阅读《项脊轩志》教学实录(片段),按照要求答题。 下列教学片段选自某一初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。 T:Could you play games on Internet every evening,boys and girls?Ss:Sorry.I couldn’t. T:On what day could you play them every week?Ss:Only on Saturday and Sunday. T:Oh!We could say you could play games twice a week.I could go visit my friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings.So we could say I could go visit my friends twice a week.What does TWICE here mean?Ss:It means“两次”. T:Great!Then you will be divided into groups,four in one group,to make sentences as many as possible by“Could you…every week?”and“twice a week”.After 5 minutes,I’ll invite one speaker out of each group to present in class. 问题: (1)该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节?(2)分析这两个教学环节的目的。(3)从教学有效性的角度评价这个教学片段(至少写两个要点)。 下列教学片段选自某一初中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。 T:Could you play games on Internet every evening,boys and girls?Ss:Sorry.I couldn’t. T:On what day could you play them every week?Ss:Only on Saturday and Sunday. T:Oh!We could say you could play games twice a week.I could go visit my friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings.So we could say I could go visit my friends twice a week.What does TWICE here mean?Ss:It means“两次”. T:Great!Then you will be divided into groups,four in one group,to make sentences as many as possible by“Could you…every week?”and“twice a week”.After 5 minutes,I’ll invite one speaker out of each group to present in class. 问题: (1)该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节?(2)分析这两个教学环节的目的。(3)从教学有效性的角度评价这个教学片段(至少写两个要点)。 下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。T: Today we are going to talk about “travelling". Mike, have you ever traveled?M: Yes, I have ever been to Beijing.T: When did you go there?M: Last summer.T: How did you go there?M: We went there by bus.T: Why did you go there by bus?M: Because it isn ' t too far away from here and it ' s very convenient to go there by bus.T: Good. How about you? Li Ming, have you ever travelled?L: Yes, I have been to Hainan last winter vacation.T: How did you go there?L: I went there by plane.T: Why?L: Because it ' s too far from here and we can save lots of time by going there by plane.Ask more students like this.根据上面所给信息,回答下面三个问题:(l)该片段反映了教学中哪个环节? (2)分析该教学环节的目的。 (3)从教学有效性角度评析这个片段。 下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。T: Today we are going to talk about "travelling". Mike, have you ever traveledM: Yes, I have ever been to Beijing.T: When did you go thereM: Last summer.T: How did you go thereM: We went there by bus.T: Why did you go there by busM: Because it isn′t too far away from here and it′ s very convenient to go there by bus.T: Good. How about you Li Ming, have you ever travelledL: Yes, I have been to Hainan last winter vacation.T: How did you go thereL: I went there by plane.T: WhyL: Because it′s too far from here and we can save lots of time by going there by plane.Ask more students like this.根据上面所给信息,回答下面三个问题:(1)该片段反映了教学中哪个环节(2)分析该教学环节的目的。(3)从教学有效性角度评析这个片段。 阅读下列案例材料,然后回答问题。李某是位于
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