试卷介绍: 教师资格证考试2017下半年教师资格证考试《高中英语》真题及答案已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!
Avoiceless, dental, and fricative
Bvoiced, dental, and fricative
Cvoiceless, dental, and affricative
Dvoiced, dental, and affricative
Aboot and bought
Bdeep and dog
Ceither and neither
Dghost and best
AThe birds ... the
BThe birds ... /
CBirds ... the
DBirds ... /
Cwould happen
Dwill happen
Aanything but
Ball but
Ceverything but
Dnothing but
Bin which
AEde caught a trout. (Ede caught a fish.)
BDon" t sit on Carol" s bed. (Carol has a bed.)
CThis blimp is over the house. (The house is under the blimp.)
DCoffee would keep me awake all night. (I don" t want coffee.)
AListen to a story and write a summary
BListen to a story and work out the writer" s intention
CListen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him
DListen to a story and note down the specific date of an event
Arhetorical questions
Breferential questions
Cclose questions
Ddisplay questions
Afinding out what students know and don" t know
Bmeasuring students" general language proficiency
Cknowing whether students have the right language aptitude
Dchecking whether students have achieved the teaching objectives
AIdentifying and correcting oral mistakes
BActing out the dialogue in the text
CHaving discussions in groups
DDescribing people in pair
Acognitive strategy
Baffective strategy
Ccommunicative strategy
Dmetacognitive strategy
Adenotative meaning
Bcollocative meaning
Cconceptual meaning
Dconnotative meaning
AEditing the writings
BWriting topic sentences for paragraphs
CGathering information and ideas relevant to the topic
DOrganizing the information and ideas into a logical sequence
Ameet students" expectation
Bincrease students" confidence
Cactivate students" schemata
Dprovide feedback on tasks
Alexical level
Bsyntactic level
Cdiscourse level
Dmorphological level
Apeer correction
Bpeer feedback
Cpeer interaction
Dpeer assessment
AShe offered insight into the confrontations between two cultures.
BShe emigrated from Santo Domingo when she was 10 years old.
CShe became popular for her translated works in America in the 1970s.
DShe described her transition from wealthy Dominicans to ragtag immigrants.
AThe former are able to write in two different languages.
BThe former can translate their works into different languages.
CThe former are able to express ideas from a bi-cultural perspective.
DThe former can travel freely across the border between two countries.
ATheir works are full of obscurities.
BNone of their works won an overnight success.
CMost of them remained unknown to the public for years.
DThey have great difficulty getting their works published.
AThey avoided writing those too exotic for readers.
BThey revised their works as required by press.
CThey translated their works into English.
DThey read their books in public places.
ADrawing criticism.
BReceiving suspicion.
CAttracting attention.
DCausing disagreement.
ATo introduce a new topic.
BTo place a topic in a larger context.
CTo discuss a solution to a certain problem.
DTo provide empirical data to confirm a prior belief.
ANeural processes are likely to be culturally neutral.
BThe brain is believed to be influenced by different cultures.
CWesterners focus on individualism while East Asians on collectivism.
DNeuroscience reveals nothing more than we know from anthropology.
AIt proves that some values are deeply rooted in human liver.
BIt correlates cultural differences with different brain activities.
CIt suggests that some universal concepts are shared across cultures.
DIt disputes our usual understanding of fundamental cultural differences.